ugh..I'll be 18 years old soon.
Time sure goes by fast now a day's. As of today I have 60 more days till I turn 18 years old. An on top of that its nearing the end of my Junior year. o and then comes prom. I have my dress & my mask. Now have to figure out what to do with my hair, nails, and the kind of shoe's I need to get. ugh..when was it that I started to turn into a girly girl...I didn't have to worry about stuff like that..I miss being a tom boy who hated dresses and skirts..But, there is no turning back now. Anyways, summer is coming soon. So, I need to get my licence quick and find a job. *sighs* I dont know if I can keep going like this..I have to worry about getting my licence, getting a job that my parents count as a real job, getting a scholarship to a college, and just getting passed all my classes...I feel like crashing down.