Courage is tiny pieces of fear all glued together.
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Chance 'Lucky Chance' Lizana hated flying when he wasn't the pilot. It was a totally different experience. He hated not having control over the beautiful machines, hated being at the mercy of someone else's talent. It always made him nervous.
So here he was, at LAX, one of the largest airports in America, waiting to fly off to a tropical paradise, to meet someone who would possibly look exactly like him. Too weird. he thought, rubbing the bridge of his nose to try to relieve his tension headache.
"You gotta calm down, Nafasi. You gonna make yourself sick again." The soft voice of his older 'sister' and the scent of fresh coffee made Chance smile. "You're amazing, you know that, Mouse?" he said as he turned around and accepted the hug and the coffee Panya offered him.
Behind her stood they're 'parents.' Rachel was smiling through her tears, and Emilio was looking gruffly close to tears as well. Chance went to them and hugged his mother tightly. "Don't cry, Ma. I'll be back in a few weeks. You're still my mom, and I'll call every other day." He turned to Emilio and held out his hand. "E tu, papà."
Emilio smiled and gave his son a strong handshake. "Tu e il tuo gemello sono una parte di questa famiglia che ti piaccia o no." he said. "Both of you are my famiglia."
Chance laughed and threw an arm around Panya's shoulders. "Best of luck, Nafasi." she said, giving him a tiny kiss on the cheek.
SPACER SPACER SPACER SPACER SPACERThe air up there in the clouds is very pure and fine, bracing and delicious. And why shouldn't it be? - it is the same the angels breathe.
SavingPollyOliver · Tue Apr 12, 2011 @ 11:11pm · 0 Comments |