D e v i n -- R a c e -- Devil/Devil imp. She doesn't have a tail. A g e -- Teens; 19 W e i g h t -- 95 lbs H e i g h t -- 176 cm
A p p e a r a n c e -- B o d y -- Has dark black hair. Crimson/blood colored bangs. Right (your right) side is short, and flips up. Left (your left) is long, and hangs down. Hair overall is very messy. She has two large horns on each side of her head. Kind of like bulls horns. Ears are like an elf. Crimson/blood colored eyes. Long eyelashes/has the appearance of wearing makeup. (but is not) Isn't as short as your average woman. Skinny waist, broad shoulders, wide hips. AKA; she has a big butt. Her bust, however, is not big. B-C cup. Has a pair of small bat-looking wings on her back. C l o t h i n g -- Pure black studded choker with gray/platinum studs. Dark gray/light black, almost tanktop-ish type shirt, almost 80's style sleeves. Sleeves has a gray/platinum stud on them. Dark gray/light black forearm gloves with a spike at the end of each. Pure black studded bracelets with gray/platinum studs. Pure black studded belt with gray/platinum studs. Dark gray/light black booty shorts (almost like underwear) with black and red laces on the right and left sides. Pure black garter belt underneath shorts and boots. Dark gray/light black stilettos, "hooker boots". Pure black studded ankle bracelets with gray/platinum studs. Very high heels. A c c e s s o r i e s -- Carries a pure black pitchfork with a little red crown. (see reference.) P e r s o n a l i t y -- Fierce. Very moody. Likes to joke around about serious issues, can be sinister/evil at times. "Slutty". She is usually never shy/bashful. Tend to fall a little more towards the devious side. She likes to stick her tongue out in a sexy/intimate way. Likes to grin/smirk evilly. Basically hates her sister Angela. Does wrong things and tries to blame her. She also tries to convert her to satanism.
fapjack · Mon Apr 04, 2011 @ 09:54am · 0 Comments |