SPECIALTIES:A want to become one of the best Military gunman was what drove her to learn everything there is about it. But that dream was soon shot down when an accident caused her already weak immune system to become so weak that she could not survive without the suit that she currently has on.So unable to stay with that portion of the military due to the scare of having her as a liability she tried another route, medicine. She studied under some of the best and was accepted as the youngest doctor in the military and one of the best. So what she has to offer is an extreme knowledge of Military combat and medicine as well as the workings. She also knows vastly about the planets and their inter-workings from her grandparents knowledge of terra-forming, languages and biological experimentation and a few tricks up her bionic left arm .
BIO:Born from the original descendants of Marz, Ada is an Argonnite from birth.Though unlike her war-like ancestors, she was consider weak. She was born with a weak immune system and what were just minor inconveniences for illness were highly dangerous for this Argonnite child. Though despite all that,she was taught and naturally learned the ways of her people. She studied weaponry, fighting, thieving, cooking...anything and everything that has to do with her native being. And all the while she and her family planet hopped from when she was a mere decade up until her time in the military.She worked as her life long dream came true, being a gun man, but not for long. She had been affected by Amaterasu's explosion, her life changed forever, as she lost her parents . A new lifestyle and now a personal hazard at times, Ada took the route of Medicine in order to find a possible cure as well as a reason behind the whole mystery of Amaterasu. In her early twenties that's what she spent her time doing, diagnosing, curing and prevailing she, after a few years was discharged and now is upon Ymir-L, an all too familiar place for herself.
{One and two and three and four, that rhythm going off in her head as Adalqisal gently but not gingerly traversed her way across the top of a building.The movement of her legs and arms in an overly comical and militaristic fashion provided for her a way to currently release the pressure with in her. With a tune upon her lips she gently hummed it, high above all who were normally walking upon the TITAN'S surface, taking a route that would allow her not to be noticed by the common eye. It was almost comical to her, though to everyone else who may or may not be watching, she couldn't care less. Street poles! Now that's what they were called! She heard that exclamation and it now so happened to pop right into existence in her mind. The interchanging of the red, yellow, green lights that signaled for car to go or not, or so it had been centuries past upon prime, she couldn't now quite remember for it had been some time since she lived there.
She had chosen to leave the military, or so she now told herself. Had been discharged, and rather abruptly so, and she had her suspicions.Either for their prejudice against her people or for other reasons, she figured the other reasons. She knew of the information, slight it may be so, but still enough to have her confirmations. But besides that she was now roaming the skies for a new way, or more so a new life.No longer with the comical movement she gracefully leaped from one building and out into the air. Falling, falling ever so diligently and latching upon a side of another building. With a strain and a heave she hoisted herself up to purposefully look weak and helpless, why....because of this next decision. She took to a sprint, feet sturdily placing themselves upon the surface, and once she came to the edge of the building, Adalqisal vaulted herself into the air and with a front flip landed upon another roof top, she was no longer being followed. Making her way through the vast district, she came upon the edge. Another jump and to land in an outer garden,but not with out a fumble of her own.Landing crookedly upon the bench she planned to sit upon, she fell. To the side and only a few inches from it, the side of her leg hit against the bench and her hidden eyes shut with in their confinement.
"Oof....you would think I would be more reliable..." a voice that betrayed the seemingly tough exterior, soft and with a slight trace of a wince as her right hand rubbed and felt at her leg that had taken the brunt of the fall.Eyes looking through their protective plate barrier as she tinkered with the mechanics of her suit and then for her to straighten out and sit like she planned to do so before. "Yo....now you have your own personal Swiss army knife m'dear. Just tak' care of 'et, cause I wo't be here foreva' ya know." Her father had laughed out as he finished hooking on her newest upgrade to her bionic arm, the last of the three illegal firearm secretly installed. That was just a mere two years ago, and how right he had been. She sat there, a wandering gaze upon her hidden features and a galaxy of thoughts racing through her mind. With a tune passing from her lips she lied back, looking up to the gas giant and remembering the tale that it now held for her.}