Way too much coffee. But if it weren't for the coffee, I'd have no identifiable personality whatsoever.

If one were to look into the bedroom of a certian Cordray Sutherland, one would find themself gazing into what could only amount to a catostrophic mess. Half-finished sketches littered the floor and walls, and several easles were boasting pictures of their own. Charcoals, pens, chalks, and paints of innumerable qualities and colors had changed the once stately cream and honey colored room to a fantastic rainbow of colors. Books also littered the floor in stacks and towers, all well cared for in their strange environment, and very loved, as one could see by how worn the covers and pages were.
Candles of various sizes and shapes and scents were also scattered among the various flat topped surfaces, and even placed percariously on plates on the floor. None were lit at this time of day, but the lingering smell of their perfumes was still thick. In fact, the only thing lit in this pyrotechnic's room was a stick of sandalwood and lavender incense, and that was because it was a part of his nightly rituals for easier sleep. Speaking of which...
Cordray Sutherland was sprawled haphazardly across his metal-framed bed, looking for all the world like any normal young college student after a long day of studying and work. Normal but for two things. His silvery pale hair was almost translucent in the moonlight that spilled into his room through the large window above his bed, and his tan skin gleamed faintly in the way of the Fae. A half-Fae he was, and a pyrotechnic for WyldCard. But he was completely oblivious to the goings-on around him, as he would not be woken up unless strictly nessecary. Oh, how he detested mornings. And most morning people, for that matter. As it were, he was blissfully asleep in his bed, dreaming of fire and paint.
SPACERSPACERSPACERSPACERSPACERNo one can be as calculatedly rude as the British, which amazes Americans, who do not understand studied insult and can only offer abuse as a substitute. ~Paul Gallico
SavingPollyOliver · Sun Feb 13, 2011 @ 09:49pm · 0 Comments |