Fayt (front) and Lucio (behind) Esteed
17 (Lucio was the first out of the womb.)
Ask Lucio....
Fayt is fairly shy but charismatic and has a magnetic persona that simply make people comfortable around him.He aims very high on things and places high standards on himself rather than on the standards of others. His weakness is his cockyness.
Lucio is a mysterious type in some senses. Almost everything about him is deep and poetic and there's a certain statue of him that seems filled with unending wisdom. His weakness is his inability to be wrong on things.
Fayt's hobbies- Sports,sweets sleeping in. Video games, and music. Likes to surf and skateboard. among other sports. Likes to work on instrumental playing with his brother Lucio.
Lucio's hobbies-Walking through the forest at night. Quiet scenery. Tai-chi,reading,
painting and classical music. Likes to work on cardio-fitness with his brother Fayt.
Fayts Dislikes-Downers,being pushed around,bad people,being called socially awkward. lectures from his brother. and besides sleeping or chilling standing still for more than ten to twenty minutes.
Lucios Dislikes-Defiance from his brother. Cowardice. Disrespectful attitudes,people who lack understanding for things. incompassionate people.Animal abusers. And reckless behavior.
Born Feb 11th in Genoa Italy.Both of their parents left them behind to start new families at the age of five. Which still traumatizes fayt once in awhile to an advent that Lucio has grown up from. Lucio is constantly running from the scientists who experimented on the two while they were still in the fetal stage and has never told Fayt that he was not a human. For his own protection lucio believed he was doing the right thing. Fayt however being extremely amplified to violence seems to explode with his powers. After which he normally passes out and awakens with a slight amnesia. Lucio does not wear glasses but carries an extra pair of glasses for Fayt.
Fayt-attacks physically very quick and agile he fights midair the best
He can easily dash about and has a daft amount of strength he hides from people.
Hes well known as a aerial shark. Which is why Lucio sometimes refers to him as Squallo.
Fayt's Gunblades

Lucio-Fights with long range spell casting which Fayt inclines him to name his spells after common spells from video games for a better understanding during battles.
Fire,Blizzard,Thunder,Ice,Tetra,Flood,Holy,and Darkness are among the more common spells and more advanced arts he hides away for emergencies. Lucio deems to be the stronger of the two. However Lucio disagrees. As if knowing something secretive about Fayt.