As a Canadian, I feel it's sort of my duty, almost, to remind people that it's Rememberance Day today. I don't think they have it in the States (or if they do, it's called Veteran's Day or something), but here in Canada, today is the day that we remember the soldiers who died for us so we could live in peace and freedom. At 11:00 this morning, which is in about half an hour for me, Canadians will observe a moment of silence to commemorate this day. Schools will have assemblies, shoppers will halt where they are in the store, and who knows, even some college classes might stop for a brief period.
But if you work at my dad's work, you will have the day off. My dad's boss declared about a month ago that starting this year, they would be observing Rememberance Day as though it was a statuatory holiday. It should be a stat holiday, as in 'recognised by the government,' but it isn't. Why? We celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ by getting a day off work, even people who aren't Christian. So why can't we celebrate and remember the lives of people who were, for certain, real and alive and who fought for our freedom, much like the way Jesus did, by taking a day? I am not a very religious person, but think about it.
Until then, please continue to observe the moment of silence. It's a pittance of time, really. (If you don't get that reference, look up 'pittance of time' on YouTube.) Even if you're not Canadian, you can still go through with this, because I think it's a good tradition to have.
![]() Kureha Tsubasa Community Member ![]() |