You see,
I hate school.
And I hate bees.
I'm such a fool....
For being me.
It's a question,
I'd like to ask.
Why Am I so stupid?
Sure, I'll take a glass.
Why don't you just give me a punch.
It'll help me with my cinnamon crunch.
Cereal is like food poisoning,
That's why I go to the bathroom every morning.
I know this poem don't make any sense.
But its like, I'm surrounded by an electrical fence.
Being surrounded door by door.
Dude, I'm just trying to make sure I don't hit the floor.
As you see, this poem got random.
But at least, you took the condom.
I just like to make things rhyme.
Like a shoe going through time.
I hate school.
And I hate bees.
I'm such a fool....
For being me.
It's a question,
I'd like to ask.
Why Am I so stupid?
Sure, I'll take a glass.
Why don't you just give me a punch.
It'll help me with my cinnamon crunch.
Cereal is like food poisoning,
That's why I go to the bathroom every morning.
I know this poem don't make any sense.
But its like, I'm surrounded by an electrical fence.
Being surrounded door by door.
Dude, I'm just trying to make sure I don't hit the floor.
As you see, this poem got random.
But at least, you took the condom.
I just like to make things rhyme.
Like a shoe going through time.