I find myslef walking down the street,
So many people I don't want to meet,
I pass by the protesters,
The liers and cheaters,
They all make me laugh,
They protest the war,
They abandon our shoulders,
They do not understand.
We fight for your rights,
We fight for your freedom,
We die everyday for your speech,
We die everday while you are at the beach.
You may not like why we are here,
Some may not know,
But why take back your support,
When you hear that report?
You hate what we do,
But we have orders too,
So why do you abandon us,
When we don't abandon you?
We are your Sisters and Brothers,
Sons and Daughters,
Mothers and Fathers,
Aunts and Uncles,
We are your Guardians,
Yet you abandon us to diem
You take away your prayers,
So why do we bother to protect your freedom?
Because we are American Soldiers.