Hello, it's random journal day 11! yay okay so it's... pretty much 11 p.m. which is fine, and i don't have school tomorrow cause im on brake so i don't have to worry about going to sleep early. Cause i have to wake at 5 a.m. in the freaking morning every morning.. it's so exhausting. I live far from my school so i have to get up early to get there on time AND i have zero period so i have to be at the school 6:45 which is even worse V.V oh well you know yeah it sucks but after a while im just gonna try not to do it cause im only doing it cause i have a class in which we have to take certain things for it but ugh!! it's exhausting DX anyway! we went grocery shopping today and im so happy! i mean we didn't get much it'll only last us like a week IF i want to cook for like 30 minutes every time i want to eat, but, that seems like a lot of work. I mean it just looks like we have soooo much food but if you think about we really don't. It's a house full of 7 people so of course it's not much but still!! im just so glad=3 lol and i THINK we're going again like in 2 or 3 days im not sure we just have like no money but then again no one really has much money in this economy =P anyway! new topic. Oh! so I've been playing zomg a lot more and I've only played in baskin' lake for the papa saw or in gold beach for ss/eb and now i have 466,734 gold. My goal is to get 2 million gold so i get stuff off my wish list but i will settle for 1 mill. =3 like it seems like a lot but if you look at my wish list, i would only buy like 10 or 15 things IF i want to buy expensive stuff. idk it's just ugh, it seems like gaia is to much like real life you know? It's not hard to get gold on here, it's really easy it's just.... if you don't know HOW then your doomed you know?? In real life if you don't what to do to get money your doomed. Not doomed doomed but like you get a rough patch in the road, you know? I hope you understand cause I'm not saying it again xD lol anyway! Bye! I think this random journal over now. Hope you enjoyed it! Bye, see you next time I write a random journal! Thank you for reading Random Journal day 11.
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