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View User's Journal

eternal_darkmask aka (ALEX)
songs and wat i think is important
twisted love maker
the truth was seen in your eyes
you were pure now your mine
terror claims the fear on your face
you have changed in many ways
nothing will be the same
you will never remain
open your ears
listen for the sigh
cold wind wispering death in your mouth

find it in yourself to forgive and let die
dont let the souls revive themselves
bury them back where they belong
never let them go
find away to forgive and let die
you will never be the same again

all was reveiled when you fell away
past the moments
suspended in time
let out your crys
i will give up my life for you
your last glance
told the story
never again will i see you

find it in yourself to forgive and let die
dont let the souls revive themselves
bury them back where they belong
never let them go
find away to forgive and let die
you will never be the same again

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