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Oost_the_Great, the chronicals. THE PIT OF DISPARE! Tee hee... Ok maybe not that serious, but what the hell.

Community Member
WOW! I just finnishes taking a test for my US History 249 class, man am I happy. I had to have aced it, well not aced but got a good grade sweatdrop . I was so anctious about it, I just read all three chapters yesterday xd (should have done this sooner, tee hee), I had to read and answer questions for 5 documents (again, should have done earlier and prolly didn't do that good on) and went through all the practice test questions this morning ( came in SUPER helpful, because they were all on the test. SO I KNEW ALL OF THEM!! whee ). So, now I'm SUPER Hyped and I can't wait to go home and be able to just chill out.. domokun domokun domokun

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