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Reiko's Log
Things about my life and my Role Playing life, nothing much here.
CasanovaBird has joined the chat
LolitaSnow: oh s**t
Guest_KageTakuri: Hm
Guest_KageTakuri: -Kage opened his eyes and smiled. His ability Kensho sensed the new comer's thoughts as he/she entered the reaper's plane. The beastman smiled and extended his hands forward as a welcoming gesture. "Welcome to the Reaper's Plane.." His gruff voice echoed in the large room. "How may I help you?"
RabidRingmaster has joined the chat
Guest_KageTakuri: Welcome Janabi
Guest_KageTakuri: We have a visitor
Guest_KageTakuri: The very same person.
CasanovaBird: -as electricity sparks from the main gates it was then smashed open and casan ten walks in slowly staring at kage, standing at 5'8 and 180lbs, casan then tightens his fist as more sparks shot from his form, then shadows crept to his standing, casan then lossened his fist and started t0oo seak- yo and cloclwork must tought i would never find out..
Guest_KageTakuri: Kage stared at the flashy display and scoffed to himself. "I indeed thought you were going to find out. It was only a matter of time."
CasanovaBird: you ad his team could not be respectful andd go where u should ave now u have cause more of a problem..
CasanovaBird: have*
RabidRingmaster: ~he chuckles darkly~ "What happened to the girl was of her own doing....she was offered a chance to help, and refused...."
CasanovaBird: yes he done the right thing..
CasanovaBird: she*
CasanovaBird: but..u havent
Guest_KageTakuri: "Problems are not my concern. I dispatch problems and spit them into the fire."
CasanovaBird: maby u would like to end up like savop
RabidRingmaster: ~he sticks out his neck~ "Go ahead....take it off....youll find it a bit hard to keep up with..."
RabidRingmaster: "In fact, let me help you"
Guest_KageTakuri: Kage giggled to himself. "It would be you who would end up like our friend." Kage stuck his tounge out and licked his lips seductivly.
CasanovaBird: i like them words
RabidRingmaster: ~he grips the sides of his head, putting his full force into spinning it counterclockwise, whereby it detatches completely from his torso. He hols it out in his hand, still talking as t hough nothing had changed~
CasanovaBird: if this is true- holds his hand up- then try me ..
RabidRingmaster: "I encourage you to try me..."
CasanovaBird: but maby
CasanovaBird: u would like some help ..
Guest_KageTakuri: Kage smiled to himself. "You have no idea what your into, if you face me friend." He cracked his neck and sighed. "I wonder how many more idiots are going to face us"
CasanovaBird: -sighs-
CasanovaBird: kage..
CasanovaBird: how many pple have u told that line too..
RabidRingmaster: ~he waits for a moment, then replaces his cranium into its proper place~ "Exactly what I thought you would say...."
CasanovaBird: honestly..no one cares
Guest_KageTakuri: "Your the first...my good chum"
Guest_KageTakuri: "Most don't hear a word I say. Those outside that is."
CasanovaBird: maby i will do better..i already have wat i need...
CasanovaBird: see for example
CasanovaBird: nynxis
CasanovaBird: u arrre still conected to her
CasanovaBird: wat do u think se will do knowing u gave her coven hell
Guest_KageTakuri: "Me? Connected to her?"
CasanovaBird: to worry about
Guest_KageTakuri: "Since when?"
CasanovaBird: -raises hands- u tell me..
Guest_KageTakuri: "We only wanted our property's head back.."
CasanovaBird: fool
CasanovaBird: where did i tell u t go..?
Guest_KageTakuri: "We went to your fool for answers and questions. Yet, no answers. So... we reverted to drastic measures"
CasanovaBird: -shakes head-
CasanovaBird: u wanted to do dat
CasanovaBird: u kno i said go to theground of the uoly
Guest_KageTakuri: "We have little knowledge of what happens with covens"
CasanovaBird: but instead
CasanovaBird: u chose backblood grounds
CasanovaBird: now
CasanovaBird: u have problems
CasanovaBird: with not just unholy
CasanovaBird: blackblood
CasanovaBird: sinns
CasanovaBird: assin guilds
CasanovaBird: u have more of a fight
RabidRingmaster: "Whenever you are done masturbating your enlarged ego all over our freshly polished floors, you are most welcome to show yourself out."
Guest_KageTakuri: "Then I can't wait. My family has been hunted and been a target for assassins. This will be nothing more then a thorn in our side."
CasanovaBird: honestly..
CasanovaBird: do u trust that word
Guest_KageTakuri: "Heheheh....Janabi, your humor always makes me smile. Even in the shadows."
Guest_KageTakuri: " I trust no words from anybody. "
Guest_KageTakuri: " Or anything "
CasanovaBird: lets try it this way....then
Ultim8LORD has joined the chat
CasanovaBird: u think this is a game i will show u how strnong this is ..
CasanovaBird: strong*
Guest_KageTakuri: "It is a game to me. I have little concern what happens with anyone. I am merely the frat boy watching the game on the T.V...watching as one team wins and the other lose."
Guest_KageTakuri: " You are little concern to me and everyone here"
CasanovaBird: anu..?
RabidRingmaster: "We are the equalizers....what we do is no decision of ours, but the fates that guide us all. Making an arrogant a** of yourself to our faces will neither prove nor negate anything."
RabidRingmaster: "What's done is done, be an adult and get over it."
Ultim8LORD: **Apears from the dark corners of the citadell looking around the unfamiliar room.**
CasanovaBird: broter u do remmember kage correct?
Ultim8LORD: **Looks to casan, before turning to the one known as Kage**
CasanovaBird: brother*
Ultim8LORD: Abit... What seems to be his actions And what does he speak of?
Guest_KageTakuri: "Brothers...interesting."
CasanovaBird: well again since the could not get wat there lookin for plz le this a** kno where the head is at, like wh has it
CasanovaBird: who*
Ultim8LORD: Ah.... There looking for the head of the victim?
CasanovaBird: yes
Guest_KageTakuri: "That will help, you'll never hear from us again if we know"
Guest_KageTakuri: "We are merely looking for our lost property. My lord is rather Adamant about that."
Ultim8LORD: Well, It's with I.... If your looking for it. Then you seak me. So do, let me hear why you search for it. **Tilts his head up abit**
CasanovaBird: -casan then lowers his head letting his hair cover his face-
RabidRingmaster: "It does not belong to y ou. We mean to reclaim what is ours."
Ultim8LORD: ....... Is that all?
RabidRingmaster: "That is all it ever was."
Guest_KageTakuri: "The head of the victim happens to serve us as our butler. He is property of my lord Kuro. Since I have heard of his beheading and witnessed it. Kuro has been... quite adamant on letting soneone own it. We just want our property back. And we'll leave you be."
Ultim8LORD: Mmmm....
Guest_KageTakuri: "If we have the head, there will be no problems. Kuro wants little to deal with outside covens to begin with anyways. Sure we have gone off the deep end but, we like our property."
Ultim8LORD: Well.... Now that he is dead he is property to no one. And since we are responsible for his death. That really would make us the rightsul owners. Though, we need it for no reason.... Only a proper burial amongst the realm. But if you wish the head, Im more than willing to give it to you....
Ultim8LORD: *Rightful
Guest_KageTakuri: "We turned to the nearest source of information, which was blackblood. And yes, that is all we want."
Guest_KageTakuri: "I am sure Kuro will gratfully thank you in the near future."
Ultim8LORD: **Nods** Well, there is one problem.
Guest_KageTakuri: "Hmm? And that is?"
Ultim8LORD: **He places his hand upon Casan's Shoulder** Somone was attacked by you and if not you... Then by your people. That person being apart of my nation.
CasanovaBird: -casan then lifts his head slowly looking at kage-
Ultim8LORD: Instead of coming to I, gracefully. You acted out recklessly....
RabidRingmaster: "Had she divulged your locatuion, we would have done so. But she refused..."
Guest_KageTakuri: "That is true and I have witnessed the action. And I did say we went off the deep end. But we were merely asking for info. The girl refused... so Kuro ordered us to kill"
Guest_KageTakuri: "We were only doing our orders good sir."
Guest_KageTakuri: "And we follow orders to the fine print. I cannot change that, even with my status."
Ultim8LORD: Mmmm.... Well.... I understand. As you were following behind your Emperor. But, Now I will say this. As my visit here thus far has been nothing but pleasing. I will have the head with me in my walls. Though, the only ones That will recieve the head will be either your Emperor, or 'UndeadClockwork'.
Guest_KageTakuri: "That will be within the next 24 hours I presume."
Guest_KageTakuri: "Janabi, when is he supose to waken?"
Guest_KageTakuri: "Or do you know?"
RabidRingmaster: "Indeed.....He shall return upon the morrow, and I shall inform him of our agreement."
Ultim8LORD: **Anu's tail motions around his own body moving the hair from his face.** Very well...
Guest_KageTakuri: Kage let out a sigh and blinked once as he deactivated the eyes of mugen.
Guest_KageTakuri: "Still alive I see, snow."
Ultim8LORD: **His eys turn back to Casan** Emperor Nova... Is there anything else that O need to know about before we disperse from here?
RabidRingmaster: ~he reclines in his heat, folding one knee over the other and pressing his fingertips together~
Ultim8LORD: *I
CasanovaBird: note....this is my ast and final warning stay away from blackblood and the grounds, or the net vinist will not be a nic eone...
LolitaSnow has left the chat
Guest_KageTakuri: "Very well. ."
CasanovaBird: -lowers head-
Guest_KageTakuri: " I do not intend to intrude in other areas anyway, as my job requires me to stay here or be with my lord"
RabidRingmaster: "We are watchers, only acting when pushed....."Eye for an eye" and such..."
Ultim8LORD: I see... So, if this rule is broken. And your men are seen around any walls of the Nation. The deal will be off. As I said, I will be giving the head to your Lord or this 'clockwork' follower. As I have a few words to exchange with either one.
Guest_KageTakuri: "Clockwork is our lord"
Guest_KageTakuri: "He is Kuro, in case you did not know"
Ultim8LORD: I see....
Ultim8LORD: Interesting to know.
Guest_KageTakuri: "He tends to handle matters personally, which is why I was there as well. I never leave his side. "
Guest_KageTakuri: "I am only away when others part of our group request me"
RabidRingmaster: "As second-in-command, you can imagine my presence was rather "required"."
Ultim8LORD: Mmm... Then Casan... Let us take our leave. Nothing else needs to be said nor heard.
CasanovaBird: -folds arms-
CasanovaBird: - casan then trns around and starts walking slowly letting his coat ends linger in the air behind him, pushing his way out the door silently-
LolitaSnow has joined the chat
Guest_KageTakuri: "Welcome back Lady Snow" Kage nodded.
CasanovaBird has left the chat
Guest_KageTakuri: "Good day, wait, may we know your name anyways? "
Guest_KageTakuri: "For future referance"
Ultim8LORD: **His form not taking long to dissapear from there walls.**
Ultim8LORD has left the chat
Guest_KageTakuri: Well
LolitaSnow: "sorry about that kage my dear"
Guest_KageTakuri: That was a helluva RP expirence for me
LolitaSnow: thats freaky he left then sent it o.O
Guest_KageTakuri: My god, I got us through that s**t
Guest_KageTakuri: XDD
RabidRingmaster: "Well....If that concludes our broadcast day....I must be off....I will leave notice for Kuro of these new developments..."
Guest_KageTakuri: Ok Janabi
Guest_KageTakuri: I will log this for Kuro
Guest_KageTakuri: And send it to him on Gaia
Guest_KageTakuri: (( That was rather fun ))
Guest_KageTakuri: (( But had me on edge xD ))
RabidRingmaster: ((it WAS.....is it weird if i feel all tingly? >.> wink )
LolitaSnow: (>> thats a tad weird...)
Guest_KageTakuri: (( Na xD, Our cool got Savop's head back__
Guest_KageTakuri: *))
Guest_Caroline19ck has joined the chat
RabidRingmaster: ((good :3))
LolitaSnow: (i wanted to say something so bad! >< wink
Guest_KageTakuri: (( If Kuro was here, we would have never got this far))
Guest_KageTakuri: (( He likes to push things over the edge ))
LolitaSnow: (T.T all my will power went into shoving my staff into that guys face)
LolitaSnow: (into not*)
Guest_KageTakuri: (( >o> Good ))
RabidRingmaster: ((Indeed.....as much as i respect him, his temper has a tandency to shove his logic aside))
LolitaSnow: (XD lol)
Guest_KageTakuri: (( I try to be polite, but I went over the edge myself yesterday x3 ))
Guest_KageTakuri: (( And yea, he has a temper ))
Guest_KageTakuri: (( But you gotta know, he has never lost a RP fight ))
Guest_KageTakuri: (( He is one helluva fighter ))
LolitaSnow has left the chat
Guest_KageTakuri: -Kage opened his eyes and smiled. His ability Kensho sensed the new comer's thoughts as he/she entered the reaper's plane. The beastman smiled and extended his hands forward as a welcoming gesture. "Welcome to the Reaper's Plane.." His gruff voice echoed in the large room. "How may I help you?"
Guest_KageTakuri: (( Sorry for the delay new comer ))
Guest_Caroline19ck has left the chat
Guest_KageTakuri: (( That was rude... oh well, nvm))
RabidRingmaster: ((well...im off))
Guest_KageTakuri: (( It was a helluva expirence for me and it made good progress ))
Guest_KageTakuri: (( Ciao ))
RabidRingmaster: ((*licks everyone* x3))
Guest_KageTakuri: (( c.c ))
Guest_KageTakuri: (( -Gets the bazooka- ))
RabidRingmaster: ((xD! *pewfs*))
Guest_KageTakuri: (( D8 -flails-
RabidRingmaster has left the chat
Guest_KageTakuri: * ))



Please let the temper thing slide x3

But me and Janabi did it!!!!!!!

The son of a b***h came and I pulled out the diplomatic s**t XDD

Your welcome you wind up zombie!

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