I am a: Vampire {daywalker}
This is what has happened to this date: im a 20 year old woman and am just like everyone else.
except for the fact that I was born a vampire, which is highly unusal.
being a daywalker is unusual as well. my mother, a human, died in childbirth.
my father raised me and trained me in the ways of a vampire until i turned 15.
he then disappeared, rumoured to be killed. for the past five years ive been trying to live a fairly normal life.i go to school,
have friends, look for love. i dont work, dont need to. my father left me millions, money he had
accumilated in his 3000 years of life.
I act like: pretty much like me, sweet when wants to be. sexual as hell, though shy at times. kinda dominant in personality.
I put this many candles on my cake: 20
I love these things: * blood
I hate these things: *crosses
Powers/abilities: im a vampire, enough said.
Pet: none
My sexuality is: straight for the most part
My hobbies: singing and drawing
Disorder: none
Look what I got: dont need them
I got this a while back: n****e piercings

My name is: Talise
I am a: Drow
This is what has happened to this date: im 20 years old and my fathers daughter. i am a drow, a dark elf, and one to be feared.
my father is the strongest mage in my clan, besides me that is. my mother is a quiet woman, who stays locked away most of the time.
unlike most of the children in my clan, my father raised me. most drow xchildren are dropped off at a nursery for the first 8
years of theyre life, but my father saw potential. i have sense been training in the ways of magic. ive learned that my magic us
limitless. i can do anything i put my mind to. literally.
I act like: Quiet, mysterious. She's one of the most powerful drow in her clan.
she silent and deadly, skilled with the dagger, which she dips in poison.
She's kind hearted to her friends and to those she deems worthy.
I put this many candles on my cake: 20
I love these things:
I hate these things:
Powers/abilities: unlimited. can do pretty much anything i can think of.
Pet: none
My sexuality is: straight for the most part
My hobbies: killing
Disorder: none
Look what I got: tqwo poisoned daggers
I got this a while back: none

My name is: Lucian
I am a: Dragon
This is what has happened to this date: i am the chief of my clans daughter. my mate will one day become chief as well.
my mother was killed by orcs, which is why i hate them and will kill them upon sight. my father is a cold man
who only worries about his clan and doesnt care about me except as a tie to the next chief.
I act like: strong and independent, i act as if i needs no one. inside i long for someone to call my own.
I put this many candles on my cake: 20
I love these things:
I hate these things:
Powers/abilities: healing, controlling waterand water products.
Pet: none
My sexuality is: straight for the most part
My hobbies: Hunting
Disorder: none
Look what I got: a long blade
I got this a while back: i have 3 tattoos. one on my forehead, a symbol that i am of marrigable age.
1 on my stomach, that marks which clan i belong to. and another on my arm that symbolises i am a water/ice dragon

My name is: Rilee
I am a: Human
This is what has happened to this date: i am just like any other girl my age. i wish for friends and family. im an orphan, my family killed in a cvar wreck when i was just a baby.
ive been from foster house to foster house until i turned 18. i seek people who understand me, who wish to be with me despite my abandonment issues.
I act like: super sweet and bouncy at times, im one of the nicest people you'll meet. inside imj a little sad, but i never let things get me down.
I put this many candles on my cake: 20
I love these things:
I hate these things:
Powers/abilities: none
Pet: a small cat names mishu
My sexuality is: straight for the most part
My hobbies: singing
Disorder: none
Look what I got: nothing
I got this a while back: nothing

My name is: Alice
I am a: Human
This is what has happened to this date:i was found one day wandering the street, blood on my face, clutching a baby fox, when i was 5.
no one knows what happened to me or to my family, since i didnt speak until i was 8 and didnt seem to remember.
ive been in numerous foster families, but have always been sent back to the orphanage due to the fact that stranges things
happen around me. the day i turned 18, i left and started working at a book store, my pet fox Death, following me everywhere i go.
I act like: im quiet, a listener, an observer. i often sits on the sidelines, watching the people as they go past.
she's generally a loner.
I put this many candles on my cake: 20
I love these things:
I hate these things:
Powers/abilities: mind control
Pet: a fox named Death, who is actually a kitsune who has been in love with me since we were children,
but stays in fox form to keep me safe.
My sexuality is: straight for the most part
My hobbies: baking
Disorder: none
Look what I got: nothing
I got this a while back: nothing

My name is: Caramia
I am a: elf
This is what has happened to this date: my parents moved to the human world from our elven city when i was 15.
i went to an all human school, where i was often picked on by the others because i was an elf. i have no friends,
which was very lonely for me. i still dont have many friends, due to the fact that i am now afraid to reach out. ive
often considered going back to my elven homeland, but wish to stay near my parents. i currently work at a small club, singing
for a living.
I act like: im a very social person. i love life and make what i can of it.
I put this many candles on my cake: 20
I love these things:
I hate these things:
Powers/abilities: the ability to create peace around me
Pet: nothing
My sexuality is: straight
My hobbies: dancing
Disorder: none
Look what I got: nothing
I got this a while back: nothing

My name is: Requiem
I am a: Neko {ocelot wild cat}
This is what has happened to this date: i ranaway when i was 16, my parents abusive.
i started working as an assain until i turned 19. the blood and killing became to much
for me. now i work in a cafe, which is odd for me, since ive never been good at human interaction.
I act like: im one of those carefree girls who doesnt give a s**t about the consequences.
i love passionately and protects fiercely.
i live life to the fullest and cares only for those i deem worthy.
I put this many candles on my cake: 20
I love these things:
*the color black
*chains and blades
I hate these things:
Powers/abilities: transforms into an ocelot wildcat
Pet: none
My sexuality is: straight
My hobbies: drawing
Disorder: none
Look what I got: nothing
I got this a while back: nothing

My name is: Autumn Rose
I am a: human
This is what has happened to this date: ive been home schooedl my whole life until my senior year, when i finally put my foot down. now im struggling with making friends and learning how to be in school.
I act like: shy and peaceful. can generally be withdrawn until i get to know you. im very shy but curious, loving to learn new things, although im naive about certain things because of being homeschool.
I put this many candles on my cake: 17
I love these things:
I hate these things:
Powers/abilities: none
Pet: none
My sexuality is: straight
My hobbies: drawing
Disorder: none
Look what I got: nothing
I got this a while back: nothing

My name is: Amie
I am a: human, witch
This is what has happened to this date: every one is scared of me because i am such a powerful witch.
i live alone, my parents killed by werewolves when i was young. now i stay at home, making a living
by selling medicinal remedies to doctors.
I act like:shy and peaceful. can generally be withdrawn until i get to know you. very lonely.
I put this many candles on my cake: 20
I love these things:
I hate these things:
Powers/abilities: unsure of everything i can do yet, which is scary.
Pet: cat, my familiar, named Zaira
My sexuality is: straight
My hobbies: drawing
Disorder: none
Look what I got: nothing
I got this a while back: nothing

My name is: Kyra
I am a: Dragon
This is what has happened to this date: im one of the few dragons left on earth, after the dragon race being slaughter 100 years before. ive been searching the earth for other dragons, seeking to take a mate. i currently work in a bar called Elianda as a singer.
I act like: im tough and withdrawn, quiet. i dont speak much outside of work and dont have alot of close friends. im constantly travelling.
I put this many candles on my cake: looks 20, is really 1000 years old
I love these things:
I hate these things:
*the color pink
*bright lights
Powers/abilities: turns into a large blue dragon, breathes fire, can shift through shadows when in human form.
Pet: none.
My sexuality is: straight
My hobbies: swimming ind ragon form
Disorder: none
Look what I got: nothing
I got this a while back: red tattoo on my torso that shows me as a shadow dragon

My name is: Ya'Vie Mori'Edhel
I am a: elf
This is what has happened to this date: i grew up watching my father be a soldier for the elven queen. so when i was old enough i followed in his footsteps. i now travel the world, escorting people to citys through Dangerous areas.
I act like: im tough and withdrawn, quiet. i dont speak much outside of work and dont have alot of close friends. im constantly travelling.
I put this many candles on my cake: looks 20, is really 218 years old
I love these things:
I hate these things:
Powers/abilities: can freeze time for short periods of time
Pet: none.
My sexuality is: straight
My hobbies: hunting, swimming
Disorder: none
Look what I got: Blade.
I got this a while back: none

My name is: Star Dancer
I am a: human {native american}
This is what has happened to this date: i am the chieftains daughter of the Ojibwe tribe. my father is searching for a suitable male for me to be married to. ive lived an exciting life, my father and the males of my tribe teaching me to fight and defend myself, in case they are ever attacked. im an only child, making me next in line, my husband will become the chieftain of the Martin Clan. The people of the Martin Clan are hunters, food gathers and warriors of the Ojibwe.
I act like: strong willed and outgoing, i reserve the right to ultimately choose who i marry. im always smiling and full of laughter.
I put this many candles on my cake: 19
I love these things:
I hate these things:
Powers/abilities: none
Pet: timberwolf named Thunder. is rumoured to be a shapeshifter whose vowed to be her spirit guide
My sexuality is: straight
My hobbies: hunting, swimming
Disorder: none
Look what I got: bow and arrow
I got this a while back: none

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