General News:
Bad News:
Good News:
Today was a good...really bad day..i mean it went okay for awhile it was fun and lasted awhile i found out i was passing today passing school which is good. I got to hang out with friends see my girlfriend and chill with her see Danny and just hang around and have fun at school...but yah the end of the day sucked.
Bad News:
Michelle Broke the friendship with me..i know it wasnt the real reason that she gave me it was cause she felt bad for Justin cause i popped her cheery and Justin found out and bitched out Michelle and Michelles probaly ganna go ******** him then come back to me let her come back but this is the last chance im about to shove a knife through my holding my self back...Amber problems like usual...Mom ******** sucks..The End.
Good News:
I got food well today root beer, Bagels, Hot Pockets and mom bought me lots of cigs...Josh is letting me borrow his ps2 so i can play it and what not. Saw amber today which is unusual....Saw Josh Justin and Alex...other and Josh...and Danny which made me laugh a bit...Kalia John Paul and got to see a lot of people today and chill in class and play a video cigs...but need a knife..then ill be happy