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Everything Me

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It's funny to me how People are ALWAYS judgin one another Social Status, Personality, Fame, Fortune, Relationship status,etc.

So I find myself wondering WHY??
Why r we SOOO ******** determined to destroy one another when it only leads to our own?? Is it Arrogance? Spite? Lust? Glutony? Wrath? Power? Inferitority Complex? What is it that has Caused Mankind to be so Goddamn Unwavering in his Quest to destroy himself and those aroung him?? Why do the thoughts of Slaying my enemies without mercy creep into my head when I dwell on how I've been wronged? Why do I see myself running a blade throught & piercing their Heart till the warm blood that Pulsates withn them consumes me like the fires from the very mouth of Hell?? Why do all of these VILE things coexist within me?? Why can I not rid myself of them??
. . ..Why do i secretly enjoy them?? When I am Alone with the Sillence that threatens to destroy my very Mental Foundations?? Why does it SCAR me so?? If i could see them on my Flesh I think the end result would resemble a DEMON of Hell. . .and Kajuan--the little boy who cries would cease to exist. . .Ultimately I thought I knew the answer when I started this & I wuz going ti make a GRAND Dramatic ending. . .but now. . .I don't know
. . .and that scares me more than any gun, enemy, Apocalypse, god, or challenge, because if this is All True Who am I???
Who is Kajuan??
And why do i see my Demons???
They are always with me.
I see them all the time.
I feel i can't escape them.
. . .Am I running out of Time??

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