OMG, WTF mad so my car was stolen last Friday night out of my parents' driveway. I had closed the windows on my car earlier in the evening and accidentally forgot my keys in the car. Apparently, a couple thugs came through that night looking to steal what they could out of the neighborhood cars and came upon the keys in my car and decided to go joyriding. Fortunately, my tank was on empty so they weren't going to get too far and on top of that, they were driving with no headlights on, so the cops pulled them over right away. However, the cops had Jeff's Towing impound my car and as of Sunday, they wanted $175 for me to get my car back, which of course I don't have being a broke college student who only gets paid every 2 weeks. This is going to at least take my whole check when I get paid on Friday if not more and on top of that, I was doing laundry at my parents' house and had all my freshly washed clothes and bedding in the back seat of my car, along with my only pack of smokes, if they're even still in my car. So I had to spend the holiday weekend stuck in my apartment, my plans to go see the fireworks ruined. Also, I was supposed to use my check this Friday to put the down payment on my fall tuition. Now I'm going to have to struggle to pay for my tuition and hope I actually get into my classes this fall. Not to mention the fact that I was already living on the edge, just barely paying my rent and relying on the Catholics for food.
The situation seemed hopeless and after coming out of my weekend long depression I finally came to the conclusion that I should move back in with my parents. The benefits being that I don't have to pay rent, just pitch in on the utilities, and they have internet. The downside is that I can't smoke inside (not that big of a deal) but I also have to get rid of my cat cry I love my Haiko, we've been through everything together. How can I get rid of her? On top of that, my dad is mad at me for leaving my keys in my car, even though it was an accident, and the neighbors actually leave their keys in their cars on purpose, because it seemed a safe neighborhood. I just happened to be the unlucky one that night. Also, my dad's been unemployed and his unemployment has run out and my mother only makes $8/hr. working 30 hrs./wk. so they're struggling to pay their bills and my dad wants me to quit school so I can get a real job and help out with the bills. But I love math! sad And I aced my Calculus I & II classes last year, not to mention my chemistry class and I want to major in mathematics and become a computer programmer which when I finish school would make me far more money than working some dead-end job with no degree. Not to mention the fact that my teachers would be greatly disappointed, especially since the math teachers I work with in the math lab think that I'm intelligent enough to not only earn my bachelor's and master's in mathematics, but even go on to earn my doctorate. I really want to be the best that I can be, and I love math and want to keep studying it until it stops making sense, if that ever happens. I can't imagine a life without math, and although my father took math classes up through pre-calc/trig, he doesn't appreciate math the way I do. Playing with numbers doesn't give him pleasure like it does me, when nothing else in life makes sense, I can sit down and integrate and it just seems like everything falls into place. I don't have a problem with him or my friends not liking math, there's a lot more to life than mathematics, I just wish they wouldn't limit me. Well, I'll figure something out. I always do
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Luney and Flowery Nonsense
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crying Doughnuts and chocolate make everything better! whee
Toram Online Screen Name: DeeNice
Toram Online Screen Name: DeeNice