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Manmar's Journal
Once, ages ago, the kingdom was visible, now it is disappered. One legend said the was to find it, is to find the hidden temple, which leads to the kingdom, where love, happyness, and other things can be found... or is it just a legend, and the kingdom is in ruins, and the dark matter is there...maybe it never did exist...but very few will try to find the kingdom, in which all think is filled with riches.all who tryed to find this place alone, have disappered...

no godmodding
Post profile:

Race: ( no vamps, or some demons, thank you...kitsune is allowed, PM with a good argument if you wish to be vamp, or anything else not metioned, must be 3 humans before any other chocies become opened.some demons not allowed, plz pm me a small discription of the race of the demon plz...thankyou for reading this post )
Class: (the class of fighting in which you have trained, like warrior, rouge, piracy, archery,summonry, ect)
Weapon: ( ummm, forgot to tell you, monsters roam the world, and are everywhere, no one can avoid them...no guns, they have been banned. )
Side: ( there are sides... )
other pc sad any other playable chars you wish to control, like a small squad of 3 or so... ) [ optional ]

the sides:
the good guys who will use the kingdom as an ally in war, but will take a few civilians for resaerch...so are they the good guys?

these are the guys who want to find it for the end of thier suffering, and to find the dark matter, to build better weapons...and to defend the world from the Holy's "WEAPON", a giganic robot who kills for Holy...

those who will be hired...

the Army-
they are the ones who are the best, and are the ones close to finding it...or are they close to finding the new weapon, made by the darkness???

My profile:
Name: Manmar (puma)
Race: Human
Class: Dark Knight
Age: 19
Weapon: Dark Matter Blades
Side: NONE (mercinary)
other pc: none

Community Member
  • 12/05/04 to 11/28/04 (1)
  • 11/28/04 to 11/21/04 (1)
  • 10/17/04 to 10/10/04 (1)

  • User Comments: [2] [add]
    Community Member
    commentCommented on: Mon Nov 29, 2004 @ 11:52pm
    LOL...me again. I looked at this entry...(I'm so nosy xp )but I didn't see the 'romance allowed' rule. xd .Nah, just kidding. Though...I might add...romance makes it interesting...
    EDIT: Yay! But...I think it's dead...

    commentCommented on: Fri Dec 03, 2004 @ 01:31am
    someone looks... and i made it better later on... by adding it...

    Community Member
    User Comments: [2] [add]
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