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View User's Journal

When I'm Bored
Posting when I get bored, what I'm up to, working on, when I'm annoyed, just random crap.

My name is Candace, refer to me as whatever you'd like.

I get bored really easy and this journal is basically just something where I'll post when I get bored. rofl

Anyways, I love to write stories and such and a new story I'll be working on (The Colored Rock) might be posted up here, I love feedback on what I should change, keep or just edit a few things. I spell most things right, but on my laptop I don't have a spell corrector >_>

Excuse any errors in my spelling, and if you read anything and don't know how to pronounce it (like my much made up words such as Antrue, Shezailya and so on) just ask, really, cuz if I meet you and you don't pronounce it wrong, I won't correct you, you'll have to wait for me to say it my way.

Anyways, if you have any questions, ask and I'll answer them in my next post. I love typing so it's really no problem, if you want me to draw, write or do anything I will.

Lately I've been writing these poem like things (example on my profile), they don't usually rhyme much sweatdrop

Anyway, you'll see if I post any and they seem to relate to me and involves a guy, it's a guy I really like. heart And it's not exactly a secret to a lot of people and I've been trying to get over him.

Anyways, on a side note, I did just update my profile, next is my house, car, person, story and then facebook. blaugh I will want to get to know you before I go adding you as my friend on there, but, bye xd

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