A girl sits out on a bench. The warm sun beating on her pale skin. Her hair breathes fire to the air around her, blowing in the breeze, and the sweet scent of the blossoms swirls around her. She is sad, but their smell seemingly lifts her spirits. She's on her computer talking to someone special to her. Though she has never seen their face.
Moments pass and a Handsome young man sits next to her on the bench. She can feel him looking at her, but she is too nervous to glance back...
"Hi.." He says in a calm soft tone, "It's.... Nice out today isn't it? I, uh, saw you sitting over her all by yourself and thought you might like some company." He smiles as she slowly turns to look at him nervously, and he hands her a rose. "You know, roses are awsome. The way they just seem to dance around with the wind, and their smell is just as good." He says smiling.
She glances at his face, but only for a second. Her attention is diverted to a beautifully full rose. Her Amberesque eyes peirce it and he gracefully hands it to her. She gently cups it in her hands, brings it to her face and breathes in it's succulent sent. She looks up... He's gone?
"...Did that just happen?"
She gently whispers to herself.. blushing hard.
Puzzled, she closes her laptop and stands up from the bench. Shielding her eyes from the sun, she looks for the mysterious boy. He is no where to be found.
Grabbing her bag she heads off.
"I know I'm not going crazy. And he looked kinda familliar.."
*She glances at her wrist watch.*
"Oh my! It's getting late! I better hurry to the Book Cove before it closes!"
... And hurries off into the distance...
He enters his empty room after coming home from a long day of yardwork. "Aww man, I'm freaking soaked in sweat!" He says aloud to him self. "That's it! I'm taking a shower, then passing out." As he goes to his room, his phone rings. He picks up the phone. "Hello?..."
It's his buddy Eric.
"Jared.. it's Eric. Dude.. so what happened? Did you see that girl you've been talking about? Did you actually talk to her this time? What did she say?" He eagerly asks.
*He blushes*
"Umm.. hey Eric. Look, I just got in. It's been a long day. My jerk boss kept me outside all day in the heat on this landscape job. I just want to get int he shower and pass out."
"Jared.. don't change the subject."
*The phone is quiet.. there is a long pause... Eric continues.*
"...You didn't talk to her, did you? You ran off." *Eric Sighs* "Look man, one of these days you're going to have to talk to this girl. You never know what might happen.."
"I know, I know. It's just.. *He huffs* I don't know.." Jared says.
"Listen dude, I'm hangin' up. I have to be at work early in the morning. Promise me you'll talk to this girl. I'm tired of seeing you mope around. Late.."
*He hangs up...*
"He's right." Jared says to himself. "Tomorrow I'm going to talk to that girl and tell her how I feel." He walks in the bathroom and showers the dirt and sweat off his body. He gets out and drys off. "Man what am I going to say to her?" He thinks to himself. "Hey how's life? No, that's stupid. I'm Jared what's your name? No I don't wanna sound eager. Oh man why can't I think!?!??!?!" He throws his pants on and crashes on his bed. "Maybe I'll just say hi. That seems like the only thing so far. Whatever. I'll think of something." His eyes heavy and weary from a day of hard labor, he drifts into sleep...
It's late night when she finally gets home. She throws her keys on the Ivy Lined, tiny side table, by the front door and brings her new books into the living room.
"Ugh.. what a weird day." She says to herself.
Walking to the kitchen, she takes off her shoes, and starts the coffee pot.
"Another sleepless night. Mind as well endulge in a hott, frest, sweet cup of coffee and grab a good book. I can't wait to read the one by Marya Hornbacher I just bought.."
The coffee pot hums to her ears. It's an oddly soothing sound to her.
"Shoot!" She yells to her empty apartment. "I forgot to check the mail!"
Running out of the kitchen, she grabs her shoes, puts them on, grabs her keys and hurries out the door. She gets to her mailbox and her friend is just leaving..
"Hey Bianca.." She says warmly.
"Hey Jenny!" She hugs her. "How was your day? Did you hear about that huge sale they had at the Book Cove today?!"
*Jenny Giggles*
"Yeah I did! I actually just came from there! I got alot of good deals! I must of gotten 200 dollars worth of books for 90 bucks!" She says excitedly, as she takes the mail from her box.
"Wow, you're just now getting home? They must of closed about a half hour ago."
"Well.. I stayed a little while longer to help Louisea put some things away. You know she's getting a bit old and has a hard time with those heavy boxes of books." She says with a soft smile.. she continues on hesitantly. "Well actually you know, something strange did happen today. I was at my usual spot and this really handsom boy came over and sat next to me. He said hello and the next thing I know he was givng me this beautifully fragrant rose and then took off. I didn't get a good look at his face, but from what I did see, he seems so familliar. I just can't place him."
"So he gave you a flower and then he was gone?" Bianca questions.
"Yeah. It was the weirdest thing. Anywhoo Bianca, it was nice chatting, but I really have to be going. I'm pretty beat after today."
They hug eachother goodbye and retire for the night.
"Okay.. second time.." She says laughing. "Time to relax."
*She sniffs the air.*
"Hrmm..coffe smells about done." She shuffles through her mail.
She gets her coffee and her book and settles in her bed. Getting ready to weather the long night ahead of her alone to her own thoughts, like every night.
Hours pass and the sunlights breaks through the window. She puts down her book and brings her empty coffe cup to the kitchen.
"Well.. that's that." She says with a heavy sigh. "Time to go for my run."
She gets dressed and out into the cold morning air she goes...
*crash* "Aaaaahhh Dang It!" He says upside down on his head. "Man that friggen' hurt!
I can't beleive I fell out of bed again?! What the frigg!?" He yawns. 'Well, time to start my day. And I'm going to talk to that girl today. I have to!" He says confidently.
He puts on his pants, his shirt, and his tie. "Today is going to be a good day." He says to himself, walking out the door.
He breathes in deep the morning. Fresh with the smells of dew, cold air, and new beginnings.
"OH YAH!!!" He says, grabbing a few assorted roses from his garden. Red ones, white ones, pink ones and a bleeding white. "Man this is going to look great!" He says to himself.
He starts walking to the park where he saw her last. He hums a soft tune and checks his messages on his phone. "Hmm, well at least she seems happy. Hopefully I'll see her!" He says.
He walks around the park looking for the same girl he saw the other day...
She's running around the lake and making good time keeping a fast, steady pace. The morning cold bites at her nose and ears.
She says, resting her lungs. She can see her breath hanging in front of her.
"I gotta take a break for a while." And walks to the edge of the lake and sits by the water.
"How beautiful.." She thinks, laying back against the Earth. She peers into the sky, and closes her eyes.
He walks around the park looking for that same girl. "Man I wish I knew where she was." He says to himself.
He looks over to the lake and sees a girl laying on the ground. "OH CRAP! SHE MAY NEED HELP!!!"
He runs as fast as he can over to her. "Excuse me ma'am. Are you ok?" He says in a concerneded tone.
Her breathing is steady.
"Well, she's breathing ok. Man, I got to get her out of here. It's too cold and she's out."
He picks her up and carries her to his house. "Man I can't beleive this! Today started so well! Oh well. No crying over spilled milk."
"Hey wait.. she looks kinda like... No couldn't be!" He kicks his door open, walks in, and lays her on his couch. "Oh man my house is a mess!!!"
He starts cleaning his house. Starting with the room he layed her in.
"AWW FRIGG'!" He yells..
She is startled semi-Awake by the noises and yelling, but thinks she is dreaming.
She doesn't know it, but there is lot of hustle and bustle going about the place she is in. A while passes and she slowly opens her eyes.
She jumps up...
"Where am I!?"
She screams in her head. Jenny is freaking out to herself and is starting to hyperventilate. Across the room there's a window above a dresser, and she quickly makes her way to it. Getting up on the dresser, she knocks over a lamp. It crashes, breaking on the floor..
She struggles to open the window. It's jammed..
"I gotta get the frigg' out of here!"
Grabbing the end blanket fom the bed, she wraps it around her foot and kicks out the window.
Then the door swings open.
"Hey Wait! Where are you going?! Hold on a minute"
But it's too late. She's jumped from the window and is making her way into town. Leaving behind her a trail of blood, from her cut leg.
"What the frigg'?! Where was I?! Who was that?!" She says, confused and crying.
Getting to the cover of the trees she stops a moment to pull a rather large shard of glass from the window she kicked out, from her leg.
He looks at the bloody trail. "Oh man, she looks like she's losing blood fast!" He grabs a med kit from the bathroom and follows the trail of blood where she is sitting, bleeding and crying.
"Hey!! Please don't move! I was just trying to help!! Hang on ok!?"
He hurries to her side and opens the kit. He takes out some gauss and asome bandage wrap and iodine.
"Just hold still ok?"
"Don't Touch Me!" She screams.
She looks at the boys face.
She jumps to her feet and raises her fists.
"If you want this body, you sick-o, then be prepared to fight your OWN life to get it! 'Cause I'm not about to lay here and let you have your way, and I'll go down swinging!"
She takes a stance and prepares to fight.
"You better start explaining.."
He sits on the cold ground. "Huh. Ok. Let's see. I was going to meet you and talk to you, but I didn't know that you.. were you.. when I found you. I mean, you were passed out by the lake, and I didn't want anything bad to happen to you, so I picked you up and carried you to my
house, and put you on the couch. Then...realized my house was a wreck and tried to clean it before you woke up. But my head hit the pans hanging from the ceiling and came down on me. Then I saw you run and get hurt. So I grabbed this med kit and followed the trail of blood. Now, are
you going to let me fix you? Or are you just going to stand there and bleed?"
"Wait a minute.." She says, lowering her fists.
"Why were you trying to talk to me? And why do you look so familliar?"
She questions, while he wraps her legs.
"Well, isn't that what people do? Talk? And I uh, Never mind. But.. I don't know. You look familiar to, but I can't quite tell from where I may know you. All done. The bleeding stopped and I cleaned the cut, so there shouldn't be any infection as long as you keep it clean and change the bandage...
She gives him a puzzled look.
"Why won't you tell me what's really on your mind? Gosh, I feel like I know you so well, but yet, we just met. I mean, I'm a little freaked out that I was in you're house and all, and I'm sorry about the lamp... and... um... the window... and the um.."
*She pauses*
"Umm.. well and the blanket that's soaked in blood now."
She Sighs.
"Look. Thanks for patching me up." She says with the usual, tell tale, goofy smile she has.
"But I really must be going. There's someone waiting for me."
It hurts to turn away from this stranger, but she doesn't know why..
"Ok. Oh by the... way... hmph, she's gone. Awww dang it! I got blood all over my good tie!!! Meh oh well. That girl she.. she almost looked like. No couldn't be! She's."
He shakes his head. "I've got some cleaning to do. I'll think then. Right now I'm freezing my butt off!!"
He runs inside. His heart, for some reason, heavy with feelings. He didn't know he had them for that girl. But for some strange reason he felt it.
Finally, after an hour of limping, she makes it back to her apartment. She Sits down on the couch and turns on the t.v.
"My head is a buzz from all this thinking, and for some strange reason, it hurt to walk away from that boy. That's so stupid! I don't even know that boy! But why is this effecting me so bad? UGH!
*She throws a couch pillow and it lands next to her computer that's sitting on the coffee table in front of her.*
"Well.. " She spurts.
"Let's see what everone is up to. I have alot of work to do anyways."
Turning on her computer she suddenly realizes that she hasn't eaten for quite sometime, and runs to the kitchen while the computer boots. She makes her sandwhich and sits down.
"Hrmmm.." She hums while she logs in...
He turns his phone on and checks his messages. "Hey she's on alright!" He sends a message to her, then starts to clean his house. Starting with the blood stained blanket.
"Why does my heart ache for her? I've never seen her before, but it felt like I did." Puzzeled he looked around the house and points out things to be done. Starting with the window, he gets up the glass and takes out the trash.
She smiles to see him online, and writes to him.
**Hey I'm so glad that you're on! How was your day?**
She waits for his response and nibbles at her sandwhich while she flips through the channels of her Tele.
"Why is there never anything good on? I'm thoroughly convinced that T.V. is starting to slowly suck more and more!"
She says, shaking her fist at the T.V.
**I'm glad your on too love. My day? Meh, it was ok I guess. Something weird happened, but it's cool.** He types in his phone, while turning on the dishwasher.
"Hmmm they do look alike but... There's just... Bah I dunno... I think I took too many hits to the bogging today. Hahaha!" He laughs to himself.
She replies..
**Yeah.. it was pretty weird for both of us today then. I think this city is full of crazy people. But on the upside, I got some really good deals on some expensive books. Then I ran into an old friend at the mail box. I don't get to see her too often anymore. She's pretty busy. We had a nice little chat. Did you eat yet?**
**No not yet.** He types. **I'm still cleaning from this morning.**
He thinks about that girl and if she's ok.
She swallows hard and replies.
**Umm.. Cleaning from this morning?**
Her eyes grow wide...
"No.. NO! Wait a minute! wait a minute! Impossible! There is NO possible way that, that boy could of been him!" She exclaims, pointing to the computer and holding her head. Her heart races at the thought. She freaks out. And before he can reply anything she messages him again.
**You know.. I need to get some fresh air. I'll be back in a little bit.**
She puts on her shoes, grabs one of her books and walks out the front door. "It's a nice day for a walk anyways." She mumbles to herself, still consumed with confusion. She sits on her bench out in the sun and opens her book.
"Ok that's strange?" He thinks to himself. "Hope she's ok." He types. **I love you, be careful.**
He puts his phone away and starts scrubbing the tiles, from where the girls blood had dripped. "I wonder what was wrong with Jenny when I told her that? Maybe that girl was.. Hmm.. Well if it is then only time will tell, but 'til then I've got one helluva mess on my hands. It soaked through the carpet?!?!" O.o
She tries to focus on her book. But she just can't seem to read the words that are seemingly dancing around her pages. She has the flower with her and uses it as a book mark. She can't stop staring at it. It's quite the distraction, so she puts her book away and walks to the corner cafe. She steps up to the counter.
"Hi!" Says the girl behind the counter. "Welcome to Kaffienes! May I intrest you in today's special?"
Her bubbly personality makes Jenny want to vomit.
"Sure.. what's on the menu for today?"
"Well.. We have a french dip special today." Says the girl.
"Hrmmm.." Jenny ponders a moment. "Um.. actually I think I'll just get a Muffin and a cup of Orange Clove Tea."
She pays for her snack and goes back to her bench. There's alot of hustle and bustle of feet about this place today, and she's growing tired of sitting in a place where there are so many people. So she takes her book, her muffin, and her hot cup of tea back to the lake. She liked that it was so close. Her leg was still hurting. She sits down under the pink blossomed tree where the quiet grows plentiful, and opens her book. Laying the flower to rest on her lap while she sips her tea.
The house, filled with the scent of Pinesol and Bleach, grows silent. He is putting away all his supplies. "Man my back is killing me!" he says. "I need to go for a walk." He grabs his phone and keys and steps outside. "Beautiful day today." He whispers, as he walks to the edge of the lake, tossing skipping stones. "I wonder if that girls leg is ok?"
She reads her book. The grass she sits on is so soft, and she feels it with her fingertips. The petals are raining to her face from the tree she sits under. She picks one up and closely inspects it. "It's like velvet." She thinks to her self.
She loved these trees. The bark was so pale and the flowers were a dellicate pastel pink. She leans her back up to the tree and listens to it. She loved nature and always loved to be outside. She always was an Earth and water baby, so this really was the perfect spot. Quiet, Still and didn't have all that bustling of feet around that she just couldn't stand. It was such a mood killer.
She removes her laptop from her bag.
"I think I'll do an online puzzle. I just can't seem to relax enough right now to focus on that stupid book." She says, glaring at it. That book was like her 'IM'mortal enemy. She wished she could shoot flames from her eyes, just so she could set it on fire without wasting energy getting up to do so. Picking it up, she hurdles it to the bottom of her bag, muttering to herself.
On goes the laptop and she logs in.
"Hrmm.. he's not on. He must be cleaning still. Poor thing.. he must be exhausted. Something tells me he had a hard day and a rough night last night. But that's alright." She continues.. "He needs his rest anyways. I'll just do my puzzles like I planned."
She does a puzzle or two, then stops. The breeze is drifting in. It felt so good on her heated skin. She watched the golden sun dancing on the surface of the water. It glimmered and sparkled.
"So beautiful.." She quietly whispers to herself. Seemingly hypnotized by it's movements. Her body sways with the sun and the water, and she hums a song to herself.
But something breaks the dancing sun, and her body is jolted.
"What was that?" She says, a bit confused.
"Hey, sorry about that. I didn't splash you did I?" He yells over the lake. "I'm sorry. I'll go over here." He walks to a different spot on the lake.
She has been talking with her friend for quite sometime now and sends the message she was writing to that special someone.
Her attention is captured by the lake again. This is her peace. The one place she can be calm and feel like she belongs. It hurts, never feeling that she does anywhere else. Quietly sitting, she thinks of everything and anything.
"Why are flowers so beautiful? *Looking at her flower* Why are we compelled to star Gaze. Why do we cloud watch?"
The thoughts are broken when something goes skipping across the water. Looking to her right, she sees the elusive boy. Her heart jumps to her throat. The way he walks, more fluid than the water in front of her. His hair sparkles in the sun. And his big beautiful eyes, those windows to his soul, she could get lost in them.
She watches him a moment. Then it happens.. His phone chimes.
Jenny will have a heart attack.
"Did... did his phone just chime? Maybe it's a coincidence?" She rambles on to herself.
"Hey, sorry about that. I didn't splash you did I? I'm sorry, I'll go over here." He yells.
She can't let him leave. This is killing her.
"If this is him..." She ghasps.
"HEY.. WAIT!" She hesitates in yelling.
He continues walking.
"..HEEYYY.. WAAAAIT!" She screams.
He stops a moment and slowly turns around.
"What?" He spits his words.
"Where are you going?"
".. I don't know. I just thought I was bothering you, so I was going to leave." He says.
"Well you're not bothering me. Why don't you come over here?" She offers.
Looking at her computer and looking at him, she sees that he sends something. She's putting two and two together. She won't say anything until she's completely sure. The last thing she needs is to look even more like a psycho.
The boy puts his phone in his pocket. She gets a message.
Panting hard she opens it. She comsumed in nervousness and anxiety. She wants to cry. Sending her next message, he walks closer. Again the handsom boy's phone chirps.
She knows... still she won't say anything. She's really choking back the tears. It's him..
He sits next to her.
"So.... um.. hows your leg?" He asks shyly.
Holding back the tears she says, "It's ok. Still hurts. But it's ok."
He sends another message to his beloved.
"So what are you doin' out here all by yourself?" He asks.
"Just... Stuff..." She says nervously.
He sees her send a message to someone, but he doesn't get to see who.
She closes her laptop as his phone chimes.
"Hmmmm...." He thinks. He looks at her, and then the message, and back at her.
"Could it be?" He says in his head. "Only one way to find out.."
He sends his message and waits for her to open the laptop.
"So..... What are you doing out here?" She asks.
"Just..... Stuff." He says, anticipating her laptop to open...
She reaches for her laptop...
She can't hold back the tears anymore. One escapes her eye, but she quickly wipes is away. Her body is burning hot and flush.
She writes a message on her laptop, sends it, stands up and then throws it in the lake.
"Hey! What did you do that for?!" He says, shocked quickly getting to his feet.
His phone buzzes and he pulls it from his pocket. He reads the message.
**So... Fancy seeing you here...**
He looks at her. In complete shock his eyes grow wide. She BURSTS into tears.
She's choking on them..
"Jar..ed..?" She slowly and cautiously stands.
"Why did you just throw...?! Wait.. what did you just call me?" He says, completely beside himself. He has never told this girl his name.
"Because I don't need it anymore. I.... I have you.."
He looks at his phone, then at her, and he falls to his knees collapsing at her feet. Eyes wide in shock, and in a meloncholy of emotions. He gets up and runs to her, grabs her in his arms, and cries. Holding her tight within his bossom, there they cry together. He rubs his hands through her hair.
"I can't beleive it's you! It WAS you all this time! My heart knew it, but judgement escaped me. I knew it was you...! Jenny, my love, I'm here. I love you." He says through his tears. His voice breaking and being drowned out by thier sobs.
Their hearts beat as one as they sobb together. She has found her love, her heart, and peace floods her. She has finally found that place, that she belongs, here in his arms. Their lives... Collide.
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