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Me, Max, and Ratchet :D
It's my life with the Maximum Ride charater Max and Ratchet. You can also read them and my other stories at Fanfiction.net, and my username on there is also spycutie009. The chapters are from my point of view. Enjoy!!!! :D
Me: Hi! Ok so for the past few days, me and Max have been watching this show called Undateable on VH1.

Max: LMFAO Man is that show funny! Lol

Me: Hahahaha yea it is. We're gonna give some tips of how not to be undateable.

Max: Oh boy. This should be interesting.

Me: Here they are.

100. Man Shakes

99. Blue Tooth

98. Wrong Sheets

97. Mandanas

96. Tanks & Sleeveless Ts

95. Arm Wrestling In Public

94. "The Blank –STER"

93. Vanity Plates

92. Quoting Lines From Movies

91. Unfortunate Ties

90. Cell Phone On The Waist

89. Sports Cliches

88. The Flatulence Trifecta

87. Ordering Wine Stadium

86. Online TMI

85. Pleated Pants

84. Embellished Jeans

83. Rearrange Junk / Butt Pick

82. Sports Jerseys

81. Dirty Car

80. Aggressive Sport Fans

79. Murse

78. Whining

77. Jorts & Japris

76. Air Guitar

75. *****

74. Fake Swearing

73. Hawaiian Shirts

72. Overly Creative Voice Mail

71 Names For Breast

70. Listening To Lite FM

69. Skullwear68. Speaking In Cartoon Voice

67. Can't Throw Ball

66. Pet Names for p***s

65. Crocs

64. Pitted Out Shirts

63. Booya

62. Tap That / Hit That

61. Playing Dungeons & Dragons

60. Going Shirtless In Public

59. Owning Nunchucks

58. Bling

57. Stupid Tees

56. Bad Dancing

55. Busting Out Porn Too Soon

54. Biker Shorts

53. Talking About Video Games

52. Bro-Code

51. "Moist"

50. Leather Pants

49. Crotch Grab

48. Holiday Sweaters

47. Bad Table Manners

46. Cut Off Shorts

45. p***s Enlargement

44. Frequenting Gun Range

43. Tacky Texting

42. Chain Wallet

41. Getting Drunk On a Plane

40. Disturbing Laugh

39. Lame Pick Lines

38. Open-Mouth Breathing

37. Excessive Ed Hardy

36. Burping Loudly & Proudly

35. Owning A Van

34. Baby Talk

33. Dad Jeans

32. Hairy Back, Neck & Nose

31. Eminem-Speak

30. Wimpy Drinker

29. Double Demin

28. Bicep & Calf Implants

27. The Pregnant Man

26. Speedos

25. Bad Driver (Sissy/Rage)

24. Attending Geek Conventions

23. Talking in Third Person

22. Riding A Contraption

21. Moobs

20. Guy Lights

19. Bringing glove to a game

18. Tighty Whities

17. Bad Facial Hair

16. Gross Nails

15. Not paying on a first date

14. Dirty Hair

13. Fur Coats

12. Bald Denial

11. Steroids

10. Creepily into mom

9. Excessive Manscaping

8. Hock a Loogie & Snot Rockets

7. Mandals with Socks

6. The "V" Gesture

5. Bustin' a Sag

4. Plastic Surgery

3. Chewing Tobacco

2. Talking About Your Ex

1. The "C" Word

Max: . . . . . Dammnnnnn is that a long list!

Me: I know right. Let's talk about some of them.

Max: Murses are a little disturbing.

Me: Either you're gay, or you're GAY!

Max: lol I know right! And what about the word "moist" and the "V" Gesture.

Me: O_o Ugh don't even say that word. It's soo nasty. And don't get me started on the "V" Gesture. I see some guys do that at our school, and they're usually perverts.

Max: True . . . . . . . . so true. What about the "C" Word.

Me: What is that word and does it mean anyway?

Max: O_o uhhhhhhhhh . . . . . .

Herr Schtick.....


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