i was with this guy and my best friend was being stupid and became a slut...i liked another guy but i had a bf so i introduced them thinking they would hit it off and date...then she ******** him less then 24 hours after i introduced his a park...IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT.....and left me waiting for them on the swings....they became ******** buddies and she continued with her other menny ******** buddies....hurting all kinds of guy and playing mind games....then i addmitted to her that i liked the guy and she got all pist and cried and said I WAS THE WHORE!! wtf...then she started playing those ******** mind games with me...meanwhile the guy i was going out with began to distance himself from me...he stopped kissing me and when i would try to kiss him he would lean back so i couldnt and puss my away literally...he made it seem like a game but i could tell he just didnt want to kiss me....i tried making plans with him....plans so we could be alone...maybe have some alone fun time *wink wink* but he always came up with excuses not to....and he refused to text me back....i got lonely and horny i have to i slept with the guy my friend was ******** both my best friend and my bf in the process....they joined the lets hate shay club and r now going to prom together....i want to be happy for them cuz i love and ,iss them so much but to keep myself from drowning in my sorrows over loosing them i filed up with anger and now i feel hatred toward her but i feel like i need to protect him..idk what to do