Clarissa: *sigh*
Cheryl: *walks inthrough the door with her sister who's holding onto her shoulder and trying to comfort her*
Sandra: It's gonna be will, you'll see. If Viscen loves you, he'll understand, he won't abandon you.
Cheryl: He won't leave me, but that's not gonna make it alright...I should've used my head! I shouldn't have...I-I...*cries*
Sandra: Well...what's done is done, sweety. You're pregnant and you know, by the time Viscen gets back from war, you can tell him that he's the father. He'll never know and I doubt he'll think you messed around. = ( *pat pat pat*
Cheryl: I can't lie to him! I can't break apart my family either...what will my children think?
Clarissa: *is all tiny and rummaging through the fridge for milk, overhears her mama crying* ...? *sneaks over to the archway to listen*
Sandra: Cheryl, look at me.
Cheryl: *looks up at her big sister*
Sandra: Does the father know?
Sandra: You have to tell him. Maybe he'll take the baby and you know..
Cheryl: ..take my baby? I don't want to just give him or her up...
Sandra: That's the only way it's gonna happen. You can tell the kids you miscarried.
Clarissa: Mama's haffin a baby..? *holds her hand over her mouth*
Sandra: *looks over to see a little red cowlick poking out from the kitchen* Clarissa?
Clarissa: Uh oh! *runs up the stairs*
Cheryl: Do you think she heard...? : <
Sandra: Probably not.
Cheryl: *frowns* Oh Viscen...I'm so sorry...
Months later...
Viscen: It's so good to be home. *stretches out and lays back on the bed*
Clarissa: Are you home for good now, daddy?
Viscen: No, I still have some stuff do with all the others, squirt. Don't worry, I'll write every day some more to mommy, you and your brothers and sisters.
Clarissa: D8 But I can't wead yet!
Viscen: *chuckles* Oh yeah. Mommy can teach you, mommy's the smartest person in the world, ya know. *smiles over at his wife*
Cheryl: *is laying beside him and Clarissa, smiling a little while hugging onto her husband and daughter* No...I'm not...but I can teach you to read, sweetheart.
Clarissa: Yay, mommy! *snuggles her mommy*
Cheryl: ^_^ *snuggles Clarissa*
Viscen: Yeah, yay mommy! *strokes the side of her face*
Cheryl: *gets all red* Clarissa...why don't you go see what Derrick and Edward are up to?
Clarissa: Awww, but they're always doin' nothin I care about!
Cheryl: Edward just cleaned his side of the room, why don't you go jump on his bed or something.
Clarissa: Neat! *hops on her dad's chest and then hops off onto the ground, running out the room*
Viscen: OOMPH! urgh... *rubs chest*
Cheryl: Viscen...? : < *hugs up on him*
Viscen: D8 Cheryl! The kids are in the next room!
Cheryl: Viscen! D8<
Viscen: Hahaha, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. What can I do for you, m'am? *huggles her*
Cheryl: Viscen, there's something I want you hear from me before you hear it from anyone else..
Viscen: Oh...I know already... : < *holds her tighter*
Cheryl: ...You do...?
Viscen: Yeah...we miscarried...
Cheryl: Oh.
Viscen: It's alright...maybe it was a sign that we don't need anymore kids. I can barely see our youngest as it is. It'd be cruel to just rip away her little spotlight, ya know?
Cheryl: *nods* I agree, but that's not what I wanted to tell you..
A few moments later...
Viscen: *storms out of the door, grabbing his cape and sword*
Cheryl: Viscen! Don't go! Please!
Clarissa: *runs out to see what's going on with Derrick and Edward*
Viscen: *ignores Cheryl's pleas and stomps downstairs, muttering cursewords*
Cheryl: I'm so sorry, Viscen! It was a mistake I'll never make again! Viscen, please! *sobs*
Clarissa: DADDY! *runs after her daddy* Daddy don't leave! Please, daddy! </3
Viscen: *stops and looks down at his little runt of a daughter* Clarissa, go back in the house. Now.
Clarissa: B-but I wanna go with you...
Viscen: I'm going to go stay at Anju's parents' house. You can come see me tomorrow when you play with Anju and Kafei, alright?
Clarissa: But what about the pestible?!
Viscen: I'll pick you and your brothers and sister's up for the festival in two days, that way you can finish your mask. Okay? I love you, squirt. *kisses the top of her head and hugs her tight. Tell your brothers and sisters I love them too.
Clarissa: ...What about mommy?
Viscen: ...Eh...I'll see you tomorrow. Now go in the house.
Clarissa: *rubs at her eyes and pouts, walking back to her mom* Okay....
Cheryl: *picks her up and strokes her back, watching Viscen leave* ...I'm sorry...
Flashback over
Clarissa: : <
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Clarissa Crossette-Gahn
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Piss off plz 8D.