So my laptop broke and I havent been able to be on gaia so ive been playing pokemon. xd ya im a nerd and you like it so xp . lately all we have been learning in school is how keeping a journal is good. like anne frank and charels darwin(?) lol but i mean if nothing important is in that journal or if your just A boring person nothings gonna come out of it. its then just a waste of your time. on an anime of the week topic i started ef a tale of memories uuuh the day before yesterday and finished yesterdAY. I HAVE NEVER CRIED OVER A SHOW SO MUCH I MEan (sorry hit caps lock but to lazy to retype that cause im only gonna say it once) it was so sad i swear. it was like school days and clannad put together. the story was clannad style but the art was so school days. they even had a picture of the dango family during it. im on season 2 now its called ef a tale of melodies. so different right but the story really is. on another subject today i learned that the blue lightsaber is scientifically (spelling apology (and again lol)) stronger than the red one. win cause thats the one i always use XD but i wonder about the green one....... well thats all i got today i guess so bye im gonna go to the park with my tough lightsabers whee