Full Name: Svend Jørgensen Age: 23 Species: Landvættir Biography: Svend grew up in a poor household. He was the youngest of five children, and they lived in a run down area of Skærbæk, a town in the south of Denmark. To get through high school, he had to do what all of them did: get scholarships to pay for their schooling. However, he never finished high school, unlike his older siblings. He had a love for carpentry, and the skills for that could only be taught at a trade school. Though his family was not without their issues, they were a tight-knit community, with plenty of love to share around. However, disaster struck. At the age of 18 Svend's mother died of a stroke. It affected him deeply, more than his brothers and sisters. Still in his late teens, he was dependent on what his parents could provide for him. But with the death of his mother he moved out on his own. He never recovered from this. In fact, the incident affected him so badly that he never completed his trade school course. He had no guidance, no one there to care for him. Svend's family were supportive, of course, but they had all moved off and started their own families by the time Svend had hit 19. And his father was no help. He had always been a crazy old coot. That was when Svend decided to end it. He took himself down to the lake, and he did the deed. He committed suicide. But the spirits of the lake did not like this. They saw the potential he had. They saw that he was a tortured soul, who had been hit hard with the incidents in his life. They saw that he would be of great use to them. And so they gave him a chance. He was reborn. He was reborn as a Landvættir, or a spirit that protects nature. He excepted this opportunity, and was sent off to find his own little piece of the world to protect. He was no longer riddled with the pains and sorrows of living in poverty, and the grief of the death he never quite got over. And somehow he made it to America. He didn't know what impulsed him to do so, but he saw things in a new light. He needed adventure. And that's how he got to where he was now. Picture:  Other: He absolutely loves ice cream. Especially vanilla. If there was one thing he missed about Denmark, it was the delicious ice creams. So now he's still searching for the best ice cream in the world.
smigget · Fri Apr 02, 2010 @ 11:25am · 0 Comments |