Name: Ashlyn Marie Age: 19 1/2 Appearance:
Ashlyn's Story: An experiment, that's all I am, that's what they call me. My name is Ashlyn Celestia Marie, I was born on May 30th. Both my parents have died, when I was born my mom died giving birth to me, the cause; loss of blood. My father raised me until I was 10. On that awful day of my 10th birthday, when my father was murdered by them, the ones who turned me into this monstrosity that people now fear. It's because of him, but also because of me, and the way my DNA was. I hated myself, for 9 1/2 years as I have moved from house to house, family to family; knowing that I could never be happy like the families who took me in. I could never find the love that I longed for. They took me away on my 10th birthday and tortured my father in front of me to make me cooperate, until finally on his last breath I said yes. I told him I love him, and he used his last breath to say "I love you, and I forgive you for everything you have done." I cried so hard when he said that. I let them experiment on me, and they turned me into the thing that I am now; this thing with cat ears and tail. I was called a freak all throughout school, but one kid, a guy, his name was Midori. He befriended me, and now he is the thing that keeps me sane.
maxs_angel1592_rp · Thu Mar 18, 2010 @ 10:48am · 0 Comments |