I'm now obsessed with Prince of Persia games *I'm on two thrones now* and I'm obsessed with the game and movie Doom. I've never played the origional Dooms, but I saw my brother play all of em, I played with him on the origionals though. I'm still playing Doom 3, I SUCK at that game, cause I jump to easly and I keep on choosing the wrong weapon to kill the monsters with. Like this Imp was realy far away and I tried to kill it with the shot gun... THE SHOT GUN IS A CLOSE RANG GUN!!! But I still love playing it. I don't have the other Doom game though... umm... annndd..... I realy want to play it right now LOL!
Rinoga · Sat Feb 11, 2006 @ 05:00pm · 1 Comments |