Since the RL Pic one doesn't really count as a Journal entry, here's my one for Saturday/Sunday...
Paintballing tomorrow with my friends in Army Cadets, should be fun if I survive. (last time I got shot in the foot, trainers don't exactly offer much protection) So yeh, if i'm not on tomorrow, i'm either playing on my GameCube or recovering from multiple paintballs to the face/groinal area. Or both.
In other news, my Winter Holidays started today. (well, techinally yesterday) I'll prolly be online throughout most of it, or doing my ICT Coursework. Joy.
Well, thats all for now...
Stop Press: Me again, i'm bored out of my head n i've still got a week of Half Term. sweatdrop Plus I seem to have figured out some stuff that I really didn't want to know. redface To cap it all off, i'm spent my past few evening's watching Air Crash Investigations. And i'm getting on a plane to New York in a couple o months. And I also have vertigo. Not a good combination really, is it? confused
Edit the Second: This'll be my last edit with all my body parts intact and working. 45 minutes til I go to Paintballing with my mates, and it's raining. Well, it's stopped but the grounds wet as hell, so no crawling around for me redface
@Kite- I'll be ok, as long as no-one fires a missile at us xd
~I'll edit this again if I can afterwards 3nodding
Edit The Third: Well, I survived, just about... Got hit a grand total of at least 7 times redface
First game: A variation of 'Capture the Flag'. Got shot in the butt sweatdrop A note to anyone going to do paintballing: If you're going to hide behind a tree, find one big enough to crouch behind 3nodding
Second Game: Another Variation of Capture the Flag. Got shot in the face (How I didn't notice it is beyond me, it was covering up most of the mask in paint rolleyes )
Third Game: Got shot at least 3 times whilst yelling for them to stop stare (in the butt (again), on the arm and across me chest)
Fourth Game: The most painful one, was lying behind a metal screen and got shot on the trigger finger and knee (I now have a nice lump on both spots) Got him back in the next one wink
Fifth Game: Got hit twice but neither burst so it didn't count (both on left leg)
Sixth Game (Free For All): NEVER try n set up teams for a free-for-all, you'll just end up getting one in the back rather then the front. As my mate found out.
So yeh, fun was had by all, even me xp
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