Main Items
Ninja Band
Angelic Scarf
Winged Anklets
Items I'm just interested in ^^
Infernal Spirit
Herme's moon
Golden Lurals
Angelic Pendant
Any items or any amount of gold would be appriciated ^^
Ninja Band
Angelic Scarf
Winged Anklets
Items I'm just interested in ^^
Infernal Spirit
Herme's moon
Golden Lurals
Angelic Pendant
Any items or any amount of gold would be appriciated ^^
Help? :3
I'll update this every two days ^^



A story of mine ^^
OK well this is a story I've always had in my head but it wont be in the best
grammar so yeah anyway this story is about a 14 year old boy named Lance
whose supposedly your average everyday kid. But You'll find out that hes
nothing close to normal.
I don't know a good title so yeah..
Hello My name is Lance and This is my story
Chapter 1 The Stone of Fire
I was at school one day in my last class of the day. It was a Friday and I
couldn't wait for school to end. I had big plans to hang out with my friends
Kevin, Matthew, and Mark. Kevin is 14 like me has black hair and green eyes.
Matthew is 13 years old has brown hair and brown eyes. As for Mark, Mark is
14 like me and Kevin he also has brown hair and he has blue eyes. People
say Mark and I are twins but they are crazy. Anyway, Finally the bell rang and I
was the first one out the classroom. I rushed to my locker to put my books
away and then to go meet up with Kevin, Matthew, and Mark as planned. But
as I ran out of school I tripped over a rock; but this was no ordinary rock. This
rock had something embedded in it but it was covered by moss. So I picked
the rock up placed it in my bag and ran off to meet with the guys. Once I got to
Kevin's house where we planned to meet, I showed the guys the mysterious
rock I found. Kevin too the rock out of my hands to examine it. " We need to get
this mossy stuff off the rock" Demanded, Kevin. So we ran to the backyard to
get the hose and wash the rock off. After we cleaned the rock and got the
moss off we brought the strange stone to Kevin's room where he has his
grandfather's old magnifier. We looked at the stone for a bit before we placed
it under the magnifying glass, and what we noticed was amazing. We saw a
small carving of a flame which was the thing embedded under the moss. We
starred at it in amazement until Our parents called to tell us each to come
home. So we all gave each other our farewells and left. I took the stone back
to my house to study it some more. Once I got home I threw my back pack on
the couch and jetted up stairs. I then jumped on my bed and looked at the
rock and rolled it in my hand. Then i gazed at the embedded flame on the side
of the stone and noticed it was beginning to glow. and as it got brighter it
began to feel hot. then i realized my hand was burning up and I dropped the
stone on the floor as it made a scorch mark on my floor the flame deemed
and the rock returned to normal. i picked it back up looked at it some more,
placed it on my nightstand, then went to bed.
Chapter 2 A dragon is born
I awoke the next day and noticed the stone had vanished. I ran all over the
house looking for it. I stopped when my mother called for breakfast. After I
finished I went back to my room And believe it or not I just noticed there was a
huge gaping hole in my wall which had been there the whole time. I examined
the wall and noticed it was caused by a large blast. Then I heard a soft cry. I
looked down at my feet and there it was a red baby dragon. I was stunned in
amazement After a while of me staring at the dragon, the small little creature
turned its head at me and gave me a look like it thought i was stupid or
something. I then picked it up and brought it inside. After hours of feeding it
and keeping it from my parents i placed it in an old metal box that i had turned
into a bed for the small little dragon. it sneezed with a puff of smoke then it
went to bed. I fell back on my bed worn out from taking care of the baby
dragon and then i dozed off. I learned a lot that day. For example it turns out
baby dragons love ham and actually everything else in my fridge. I had to lie
and say i brought it to a shelter downtown. Well anyway, after what happened
today i knew from the moment i saw that dragon my life was going to change.
(P.S Please comment me If i should keep the story going or if i should never even write a story again ^^ Thanks for reading)