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Hey all. This is my journal. Most of it's just a bunch of random stuff.

Taiana Hanama
Community Member

1. no god modding
2. no cybering
3. don't kill another person without their permission (they have to send a Pm to me saying it's fine so i don't have to figure out if your lying or not.)
4. if you make a profile remember to POST unless your computer crashes or your really busy...send me a PM when you return. if i have already deleted your profile, send me a PM anyway and i will post it back up. i will have a separate forum for deleted profiles.
5. romance and violence is a yes...just follow the first and second rule
6. PM me the Profiles
7. Optional but put a ninja so i know you read the rules.
8. Please make sure your chars. picture is with every post so if you have multiple chars we know which one is speaking.
9. Can have up to 2 chars.

Profile Skeleton:

User Name: Taiana Hanama
Name: Aiyana Dwin'raee
Race: Forest Elf
Rank: Dragon rider
Age: 55 (Young for an elf.)
Bio: Aiyana was born in the forest, like any forest elf. But unlike any of the other elves, she had a much stronger bind to the animals around her, so strong that her spirit took the appearance of an animal and manifested itself outside her body, naming it Nyx. To protect and accompany her. The only time she can control the kind of animal it becomes, is when she wants, or needs it to become a dragon. Than her spirit changes into a brilliant pearlessent dragon. Other than that, her spirit can randomly change whenever to whatever animal. Becoming restless with her life in the forest, she set out into the world. Finding out about the golden dragon being hunted down for his scales, she grew angered. No creature should be killed for money. She now helps him and his allies in any way she can.
Appearance: User Image
Other: Aiyana means 'little maiden'. And indeed she is little, standing at just 5'. She also always has an eagles feather in her hair, and for some reason, her animal partners do to. ninja


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