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Hey all. This is my journal. Most of it's just a bunch of random stuff.

Taiana Hanama
Community Member
Name: Katria Vanmoriel
Nickname: Kat
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Race: Elven shape-shifter
Height: 5'1"
Weight: 98.5lbs
Race Characteristics:

crayons 4 the color blind
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Post: 58238887_3 created on Thu Jan 28, 2010 6:26 pmPosted: Thu Jan 28, 2010 6:26 pm

This is how I want your profiles formatted. Copy the code and fill in the blanks, it is really not that hard. Only one place really requires you to think long and hard about it and that is the color section, just pick a color and put it in the blank. c:

User Image
Here I Am

My name is Katriana Vanmoriel, I am a female and my species is Dragon

Who I Am
Kat is somewhat of a rebel. She doesn't like to talk to other dragons much, she's more of a loner. But at the same time she's friendly towards those she trusts. She can be somewhat of a prankster, sometimes even sarcastic. When she gets mad, she really gets mad.

Where I Come From

The Real Story
Katriana does not want to be a princess. She never has, since she was just a young dragon she wanted to explore the world. As she got older, she felt like a piece of herself was missing, and like to find it she had to go. So one day, she did. And she found her companion. Declan, he was her 'other half' so to speak.

What I Stand For:

My puppeteer is Taiana Hanama

I am (insert dragon name here)'s companion.
User Image

(Insert Image version of your picture here, nothing huge in size please.)
Here I Am

My name is Declan, I am a (male or female) and my species is (dragon, or your companion speices, pick from the list.)

Who I Am
(Insert 2-8 sentences about your characters personality )

Where I Come From
(Simple, your clan.)

The Real Story
(1 paragraph MINIMUM, that means at least 5 sentences about your characters past. And I don't want a bunch of loners who never knew their parents either!)

What I Stand For:
(Your rank. Queen, King, Prince, Princess, Commoner)

My puppeteer is (insert username here)

I am Katriana's companion.

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