It is too late....
---Leinad P. Werecat
---Unknown (may have lived for eons)
---Werecat (although one might argue cat-shapeshifter)
---5' 10"
---Light.... Very light....
Background and other stuff about Leinad:
---Leinad is from what equates to another galaxy, possibly another universe, from an entirely different reality. His race had more power than the gods of this realm, but they exiled Leinad for a reason that he refuses to share. Perhaps he doesn't know of it. He usually takes the shape of a humanoid, sans fur, although whether this is his natural form no one can be sure of.
---He has innate abilities, as all of his kind, but due to his exile, his truly amazing powers were sealed off. He has found a way round this partially by drawing upong the magical essence that exists in this realm, which he believes leaks through realities from another, even more magical plane. He is essentially an extremely powerful mage, with no real equal, although he dies often. His key magical features are control and manipulation of his surroundings, a healing ability that surpasses any known in this realm and any other (so powerful that he will always revive even from complete disintegration) yet still allowing him to take heavy wounds and die about as easily as any given human, and a small magical box. This box was made while he had all his powers and did not get sealed away due to its main fundamental feature..... it is only accessible by him, and absolutely NOTHING can affect it in any harmful way, not even himself. This box has more than infinite capacity for storage, including many things along his travels, including at one point a small singularity (which gives his box amazing suction to store objects that are a good distance away.) He has various planets, and facilities in this box, but he mostly only uses it for mass storage. Lastly, he seems to almost never be able to run out of 'mana' to use magic.
---As a cat, most of his magic is muffled to unusable. He instead gains minor telepathy, able to sense emotions and snatches of surface thoughts of those around him. This is necessary, for he uses what he terms to be 'thought-speech' (lol Animorphs shoutout) to communicate, which sounds in the target's head and can be directed to multiple people or one person, at a range far superior to regular speech. His healing and box control remain the same however, though trying to get stuff out of the box is certainly more difficult.
NOTE: He can change into ANY form of cat, including made up ones or cats that exist in other realms, but he usually has one general default form, pictured below.
(This picture will change from time to time, since he uses various forms of course. Pictured below be always be current default/s)
---But for all this supposed power he is a very shy person. He has had an affinity for cats as far as he can remember, and can be very friendly and sociable if someone breaks through his shy exterior. Even so, he is most often seen half lurking just outside of crowds and such, seeming to blend in naturally with his surroundings, letting him hear many secrets and rumors and such. He likes to play tricks on people, but he is kind at heart. He is also fiercely loyal to his friends, and though he likes to spar with them he will defend them to the death if necessary (although since he can't stay dead maybe this isn't saying much) and cannot tolerate any harm to cats. He is also rather lazy. He likes to fiddle with magic and to tinker with objects, both magically and mechanically. He is fairly bright and constantly curious.
---He has mostly the same personality as a cat, albeit more cat-like interests and thoughts.
---He has many things hidden in his box, but he has also a pair of headphones on that are connected to a regular ipod, which he had tinkered with to hold more songs than one could listen to in a lifetime it seemed. He uses what is referred to as a Nano-C Scanner as well, which was upgraded to be a very useful multi-function tool. He has a very special chair that is both invisible as well as seemingly immaterial, for everyone passes through it unless he allows them to use it. This is good, because this chair tends to be in the approximate middle of wherever he happens to be, usually a room, and would cause trouble if everyone banged into it all the time.
Recent(?) History:
---Leinad's recent history will start off in about 420 BC where his first significant impact to history, including the founding of the A.W.A. on this planet.... but that is not important. Let's just say, a certain city was 'sunk' into his box. Aaaaaanyway, moving along the timeline, he lived on through the supposed birth of the 'Messiah' and started the Sing Dynasty in Early Imperial China around 420 AD, where he helped the emperors rule until the end of the T'ang Dynasty in 907 AD. In 1243 AD he helped Pho Khun Pha Muang and Pho Khun Bang Klang Hao found the Thai kingdom of Sukhothai, and then disappeared from history for a good 500 years. During this time he travelled the world, eventually winding up in Eastern Africa. Here he heard interesting stories of a 'demon' that had been found, that did not age and looked like a human. Following the trail of fables and legends up Africa and into Asia, he was led to a small town in Russia. There was a strong superstition about a small burned out clearing, where the locals said a demon had lived and died, and now cursed the area and all who went near. After checking the area out, he found no curse of course, and was left without any leads. Stumped, he headed west, towards the fabled America (which he had long ago scoured for relics and whatnot, way back when.) His search had taken a good fifty years at least, and it was now the mid 1800's and Leinad had wandered all the way into modern day California. For one of his experiments, he had needed gold, and upon finding that what he planned would require a slightly harder material, ditched it under a tree and a few years later started the entire gold rush. having attracted a good number of fools to one side of the country Leinad headed off towards the center, where he randomly happened upon the 'demon' he had been searching for, for the past 600 years or so. They immediatly became good friends, although it was obvious that this Daemon, as he called himself, was not one of Leinad's kind. Since then, Leinad has continued to build up the A.W.A. and has taken up residence in California once again, where he lurks in your ceiling.... everwatching.
Current Major Allies:
Current Major Enemies:
-King Monkey?
Basic Image of Your RPC:
Large (Human)

Small (Human)

Large (Passive Cat)

Small (Passive Cat)
Large (Aggressive Cat)

Small (Aggressive Cat)

....The trap is set.