These are many problems in life people struggle with. Having boyfriend and girlfriend trouble. Its very ******** annoying, yes I no. But I think of it as, if you fight on and on, it just means you love them on and on. It just means you care for your lover. That you want to be with them for as long as life goes on. I've been through this many times. xD But, I love the man im with. I've never felt this way about anyone else. I've cryed for him and stabbed myself for him. (Doesn't mean im emo or anything as some put it). We love each other and care, we have planned things for the future already. But we love to talk about that stuff. I dream everyday that im with him in are dream home. Sometimes I feel I new him in before life. I can feel a close connection. We are so impatient to see each other. Even though that is so, we would probably no who each other is when we see eye to eye. I love him with all my heart. I will never feel this way with any other person. Nor I haven't so far.
xXSleeping_KittyXx · Tue Feb 23, 2010 @ 03:19am · 0 Comments |