Girl; iloveyou.iloveyou.iloveyou.youhateme.youhateme.youhateme.
Girl; ?
Boy; i can't.
Girl; oh. i understand...
Boy; no! don't go!
Girl; ??
Boy; you don't understand! i can't...i can't
Girl; i know. you can't love me. youre too busy being guy or whatever. i get it. it's --it's okay.
Boy; no! it's not like that! please don't -don't go!
the boy was hexed, forced to conceal his feelings from his true love. the girl, needing to hear from him what he really felt so badly, misunderstood and sulked off and away into the night. the boy, later breaking the hex, searched for her in the shadows. but she was never there. then, one night, she appeared in his dreams?
Boy; you.
Girl; yeah. me.
Boy; where were you? where are you? i miss you. i need -
Girl; i was there, all along. you don't need me.
Boy; wait. what?
Girl; i can't explain. i need to go now. but i need *you* to know...
Boy; ......
Girl; i felt the same way. i love you. bye..
Boy; wait!
Girl; ?
Boy; WHERE are you going?!! please don't! just stay!
Girl; i can't.
Boy; why? what's keeping you from me?
Girl; my death.
Boy; .....excuse me?
Girl; that day...i didn't understand...and i gave myself away
Boy; what do you mean?
Girl; i'm dead.
Boy; you can't be. you're right here. i can feel you. see? your hand's right there in mine. you just can'
Girl; i'm sorry.
Boy; ...
Boy; hey...hey! where are you? where are you?!!!! come back!!! stay!!!!!! don't go!!! don't go!!! don't...don't....
the boy was driven mad after having awaken alone. he continued his search for her, screaming her name in the coldest of nights. the girl's spirit, the girl's ghost, watched him with sorrowful eyes. he hadn't taken her word. he hadn't moved on. he hadn't escaped in time. and so now, with him unknowingly by her side, he was claimed by the shadows.
once under the shadows' wing, he awakened to a familiar voice, soothing him back into semi-concsiosness.
Girl; i told you.
Boy; told me what?
Girl; i told you.
Boy; ?
Girl; i warned you.
Boy; i don't understand. but that's okay. you're here.
Girl; if you say so.
the girl's spirit, the girl's ghost, screamed at the boy, urging him back into full consciousness. but he just wouldn't listen. lured by the voice, untouched by the dead girl's pleas, he stepped right into the heart of the shadows. and he was engulfed with nothingness, crushed to nothingness, claimed by the shadows.
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-samii sumommo </3 iRawwrz my DinOooh
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