What is wrong with this world?
Why is there so much hatred and anger?
Why must the few good suffer?
I can’t take much more of it
There is nothing for me at home
I have no home
No family
I have but one spark of life yet
But how for how long
I don’t know the answer to that question
For if I lose it, what is to become of me
I will simply fade into nothing, of this I’m sure
Go with the other nobodies in this life
Who will care to miss me?
I’ll tell you who…no one
So filled with the darkness of this world
Losing sight of the light
I’m tired of fighting back
So I will give myself to the eternal dark abyss
And I shall not shed a tear
For no tears shall fall from these dark filled eyes
If they could shed a tear
They would be tears of blood from all this pain and agony
Even if struck or beaten
I shall not shed a tear
For this mortal body endured much pain
That it ignores it, even blood drips to the ground beneath
This one lonely soul envies those who are dead
For he wishes to be left alone
Left only to himself and no one other than himself
So no one shall hurt him anymore
Hurt enough that any bit of pain
Mentally or physically
Will just cause sadness
Even though the pain lasts only for a second
I’m tired of looking for happiness
If when I go back ‘home’
It all crashes around me
And all I can do is watch
I’m alone in this world
As the lone wolf wanders the dark forest
He has no pack
And struggles to get on by
I’m the beast of darkness
Bearing the scars of past lives
Who just wants to be free from this cage of impurities in this world
Just want to be left alone as it should be
Left alone with these wounds that still bleed
A pool of crimson beneath my feet
Showing my reflection as I look at what is becoming of me
A soul slowly fading into the nothingness
Who will help this lonely soul in its time of need?
Who will care to actually consider him?
If he simply fell to the ground in his own crimson pool
Will anyone go out of their way to help him?
He spent most of his life helping others
But now he sees it was all for nothing
All those ‘friends’ he had made
Are nowhere now
He stands in a corner as people go on by him
Doing as they please
Not caring about one who had helped in their time of need
He will help no more
I’m tired of putting on a fake smile to assure others I’m alright
That nothing is wrong
To hide from others that I’m secretly hurting inside
That inside, I’m crying out for the light
Waiting for the light to flood into me
Only to feel that darkness is in me
Trying to snuff out any light I am holding onto
But slowly, I’m losing this war that rages inside me
I yearn for my place in this mortal world
But only find pain and despair
No matter what happen
No matter what I do
In the end
I’m sure the darkness will consume me one day
For I am slowly letting it
Maybe it’s for the best
For the few I hold dear
The handful I love
Those who I actually care for
There’s one thing I want to say before I leave...
Thank you for holding on
For showing me the light
Showing me there is still hope for this dark world with people like you
I am truly grateful I had the honor of spending time with you
And I will always cherish you
In this life and in the next
Even if I’m engulfed in the darkness
You’re memories will remind me of what used to be and I will never let them fade
![]() Shade7 Community Member ![]() |