Look at him Look at me That boy is bad and honestly He's a wolf in disguise But I can't stop staring into those evil eyes
Orgasm Crayon Well My Day: Had Mcdonalds for Brunch Then Got bored and played around on my Laptop Then since when I'm bored now I go research Steve Jobs Since I'm his Stalker :3 xDD Lol No I'm not >.> Lol After that I went downstairs and my Dad Asked me How are you As always Happy, Hyper, BORED He was like :3333 I was like =.= Lol Then I went to play with my Baby cousin and it was so cute <3 He laughed and it was so adorkable :3 I was like biggrin DD But with like a passion I felt like I was his Sister or something like that Then I went upstairs to play again on my Laptop and then I went around in circles around the house for about 30 min - 1hr I was like Gaah I'm bored Then I went inside and My Aunt and Baby Cousin were sleeping So my Papa was like I'm bored I'm like O REALLY? He's Like yea I'm like -.- Then He asked if I wanted to go over to my Best friend house I was like YESSSSS biggrin DDD So we went and I stayed two hours bored over there Cause she went shopping She got home With her cousin My Old homie like man I haven't seen him like in 2 years I was like DUDE! He was like Sup :3 I was like Nothin You xD Then we laughed a bit then I saw my other Homie I was like T~T There all back and They look so different and Then I saw this cute guy his name is Chico Lol Chico is seriously his name and I was like Pearl who is he and she was like Oh that's my cousin Chico And I was like ohh He's cute and then all of me and my homies went to My Best friends room and talked and then like 3 - 4 hours later I had to leave So now I'm here Lol Night Guys I gotta go sleep I talk to you tomorrow Also guys Mardi Gras Season In Louisiana Baby Beads for boobs !!! xDDDD Lol Have more self-respect women D: Night Guys Peace love and pancakes :3 <3 Ya All ♥ Orgasm Crayon
He licked his lips Said to me Girl you look good enough to eat Put his arms around me Said " Boy get your paws right off of me "
Orgasm Crayon · Sun Feb 14, 2010 @ 04:37am · 0 Comments |