i am but a mere spirit who wanders in the shadow of the grim reaper. named only by his work. princess of Tartarus, queen of the leygates between life and death, that is me. Death or otherwise know as Teresa.as if it weren't hard enough that with a single touch i would end someone's life. I remember i almost had my first kiss. our lips an inch close to each other's, i breathed out of nervousness and he started to suffocate crying i fled and shed tears for an entire century. the trees now known as weeping willows,around me entertwine and shared my sorrow. if only i were more than just the princess of the moon and night, if only i were more than a goddess and the reaper of living and dead souls. if only i were human. i look human, but i am just as bone-faced as my father. Moto Moto MOTO.....if only someone understood me.
Death, there's no telling when it can happen. ~ Nyah!heart