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zack's picture book!
i will put any pictures i can sneak in here!
RST RP: Manga Edit
Chieftain Twilight
alright, so, in this RP we are basically playing out our Gaia lives. create a character Bio in the appropriate thread, and basically have fun. we will be set in this Guild's Headquarters. the RP spans teh entirety of Gaia however.

with no further ado, let there be Roleplay!


The Headquarters of the RoseSoul Tribe was a rather large chapter house, much like a university Fraternity House. the building was a beautifull granite house three stories high and covered with vines. it was 120 feet wide, 60 feet long, and had a courtyard in the back another 20 feet long. There were towers at each corner, as well as the back corners of the courtyard, and bordering the door. The porch was a hall of pillars instead of walls, with a terracotta tile roof, just like the roof of thebuilding itself. the roof was shaped triangular but with a flat surface fence up, which spanned 60 feetby 30 feet. the towers had conicle roofs with spires that held flags, but with balconies around them.

The inside of the building was very lushious, and elegant. From walking in the door one would see first the sitting room, which was comfortably lavished with couches, sofas, loveseats, armchairs, stools, beanbags and piles of cushions. A few coffee tables, and side tables, were arranged strategically next to the sitting spaces, and televisions were positioned on the wall of the front door. Each TV was colour-coded to a remote, to save confusion. In the back of the Sitting Room was a double staircase, rising to the second floor. A very large closet was centered between the two sets of mirrored stairs. To each side of the back wall was a door. The left one led to the dining room, and the right one to the kitchen. the two rooms are connected to eachother by wide swinging doors that the cooks and servers can come in and out of, as can members. To the right of teh Sitting Room is a door which leads to the Game Room, and to the left of the Sitting Room is a door which leads to the Training Room. Upstairs is a hallway with a door to each end. both lead to the hallways of the Member's Bedroom Suites, each door having a plaque with that member's name on it, with a central Ballroom, which is often converted into a Rave Danceroom. A staircase on each side of the Ballroom next to the doors leads up to the Third Floor. Coming there one emedeiately sees a hallway with the Crew Bedroom Suites, their names plaqued on the doors like the Members'. turning the corner one sees on the left, Twi's Office, on the right, the Vice Captain's Office, and in between those, a rather large room labled the Court. This is where the Captain and Crew discuss matters.

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Twilight leaned back in his swivel chair, and opened up a letter he got. as he read it, his stoic expression turned to one of shock, and then anger as he saw who signed it. while Skotti Gallows, leader of the Black Operatives force of the Kuro Gang, was on leave, his second-in-command and Twi's friend, Luciano, had issued his Ban from their group.

Twi was distraught of course, more so than he thought he would be. he'd already been forced to run before. he assumed Luc simply still wasn't ready to accept a vampire among the ranks... he sighed.

Stepping out of his office, he walked downstairs, and out of the door, into Barton. it was night, and the cool Autumn breeze lifted his spirits. he smiled, and headed off in search of a meal.

uke gone bad

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Uke walked out and around, basking in the cold night air. This felt good. Looking up into the night sky he saw the bright stars. "I hope that the moon is out" he said.


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Tabby hit her hand against her desk in frustration, her claws digging into the oak surface. 'Damn.' swiftly changing her hand back to normal she inspected the damage, it was getting harder to control her shifts, especially with the growing popularity of the cafe, and the growing incompetance of her newest employee.

She sighed, leaning back in her chair, and the latest in a long line of visiting cats jumped up onto her lap. He looked up at her with brown eyes and burbled, kneading her leg. 'I don't know about you puss.' she said, looking dreamily up at the sky she could see through the backroom window 'but I'm about ready to cleave that new cashier in two.' the ginger tom merely began purring as he settled himself down in her lap to nod off to sleep.
' I swear,' she began, more to the air than anything else, as no one but her and the tom were in the room 'one more mistake, and the boy is going into a new line of employment.'
She wasn't sure she'd keep that promise, but she wasn't about to let him know it, especially if the little shite was listening at her door again.

uke gone bad
Uke saw a pretty Black cat running acros the road and followed it. It seemed like it wanted him to. After a few minets he came to a cafe witha WHOLE LODE of CATS! "...Wow".


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Tama walked in the cafe, smirking. "I'm guessing youve never been here, right?" she usually came to the cafe, and was soon going to ask for a job there. She picked up a black cat and stroked it, making the feline purr. The cats purring warmed the room. Tama put down the cat and sat down. She picked a chair that looked like a 10 year old could fit it. Naturally, because of her size being at a ten year olds, it was fine.

uke gone bad
"Hi, owner-san, how are you?" Uke said as he walked in.

Tabby inclined her head to the customers who just entered. 'Well met,' she said, sliding her way along the oak bar that was between her and the main floor of the cafe.
Picking up a few menus from the hands of the new boy she slid them onto the tables of the new customers. 'Just take your order to the bar when you're ready, and let him know if it's herbals you want.'
With that she went back behind the bar to take the place of her second in command behind the till.
It wasn't often Tabby found herself on the shop floor, so she was working extra hard not to shift in front of all the people. The ginger tom had followed her onto the cafe floor, and had begun a game of cat chess with a few other toms who had decided to languish about the room. 'Heaven forbid a health inspector catches you lot,' she said huffing a sigh and quickly looking at her hands again...yup, still human.

Chieftain Twilight
Twi sat up and wiped his mouth, looking down at the cute young woman who was nestled up in his lap. he smiled the turned to his friend, who had just finished making out with the lovely lady by his side. "so, Samuel, you havin' fun?" he grinned. the other vampire just looked back at him, and smirked.

"about as much as you are, i hope." he Samuel turned to his lady friend who was nibbling on his ear. "meet me at my place in about a half an hour darling."

"heheh... well, it's time for me to go. get her to her dad's house, she was supposed to be home a couple hours ago."

with that, Twilight carefully placed the girl on the grass next to the blanket and walked off towards town.

uke gone bad
Uke looked at the menu. He was did not eat most of the things on it. Then he turned the page and saw a big headding 'Woodlen creature foods'. Looking it over he saw many yummy things! Walking up to the counter he said "Owner-san? Could I have the salad, Bubble tea...Oh and the Won-Ton over udon" The last dish he had just seen in the Asin section. Pulling out his walet he prepared to pay.

Chieftain Twilight
as Twi walked towards the Cafe, he spotted a trail of blood and scuffs in he sand on teh road going around a corner. he took th etim eto look around, but as soon as he did whatever was there darted off into the rooftops. rushing to the bleeding body in the ally he saw that it was a person, human, and already dead. it was a fresh kill, and she was still bleeding. he said a short prayer, set the body where it would be found, and walked into the Cafe, his hands covered in blood.

"Tabby, may i have the bathroom key please dear?" he ket a smile on his face, as if nothing were wrong. he didn't want to scare the non-Tribe-member patrons.

Tabby rang up Uke's order before grabbing the staff bathroom key she kept under the till and tossing it to Twi with a slightly cocked brow. She noticed the blood, smelt it before she saw it, and it was taking alot of self-control not to shift and kill something.
'Try not to make a mess eh? It's hard enough keeping the peace with this lot.'
Scratching her neck with a slightly less human hand she looked at the numbers on the till.
'That'll be 20GG, and the won-ton after udon will be a 15 minute wait, as the cook will need to make it fresh. Is that alright?'
her fingers hovered over the till to ring up the sale, and her mind raced due to the blood she'd seen. What the frell is going on now? she wondered, whatever it is I just hope it's not happening in my alley.

Chieftain Twilight
Twi cleaned himself off in the bathroom quickly and then came out and sat at a corner table. he grabbed a napkin and wrote on it with a pen from his blazer pocket.

' i'll have to talk to you about something strange i saw just around teh corner a couple blocks form the Cafe. the blood on my hands has to do with it. and i'd like an unsweet orange tea with pumpkin bread please. ^_^ '

he set the napkin right where he could hand it to her when she would walk over to take his order. it was something he always did, making his orders on napkins, along with any private notes he might need to pass.

uke gone bad
Ura smelled blood, he saw blood...He ran out of the cafe and hurled. "Oh my god....Blood" After a minet he came back in and paided the owner. "Could i have a glass of water too please?" He asked grimcing.

Chieftain Twilight
'No problem' Tabby replied after putting the money in the till and giving Uke his change. She took his order to the kitchen, and while she was there poured a glass of water, and grabbed a sachet from the drawer.
'Here' she said as she handed it to him 'The herbs are for inhaling, not eating, but they should calm your nerves.'

Looking across the floor she noticed Twi had taken up his usual table, and she padded over, keeping her hands out of sight. While palcing a menu on his table she picked up the napkin with a smile, and made her way back to the bar.
Swiftly scanning his note, she pulled a pen from her hair she kept behind her braid. On it she wrote The cafe is open another hour, stick around and we can talk she paused for a moment tapping the pen against her teeth consider any top-ups for your tea complimentary. Satisfied, she put the napkin back under two small pumpkin bread loaves, and arranged the butter dish so it wasn't obvious.

She then took the salad, and bubble tea to Uke's table, and set the unsweet tea and pumpkin bread on Twi's table. Before quickly heading back to her place behind the bar, she didn't usually serve customers so readily, so she decided not to dally too long while she served them.

uke gone bad
Uke breathed in the herbs, they smelt good, real good...Was that camomeal? He Loved camomeal! Eating his food and drinking his bub ble tea (eating the tapioka balls). once he was done he smelled the herbs some more. His eyelids wear getting heavy. "I should not have stayed up untel 3 last night" he said then promply feel asleep.

Chieftain Twilight
Twi placed the napkin where he could read it inconspicuously, and smeared it by wiping his mouth and fingers on it. he took a small bite of his pumpkin bread while he waited for his tea, and noticed Uke falling asleep. he strode over to the young elf and pulled a blanket from his satchel. he put it over Uke's shoulders then returne dto his table, grabbing a manga from the shelf on his way.

Cronos the Timekeeper

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Cronos looked around as he headed down the alleyway in a rundown section of town. The moonlight played on his smooth red skin, and the horns created shadowy forms across the ground. He'd been caught up in the recent event around the world of the SIN vs BOO cults. As usual, he had gotten some little tidbit of information that he just HAD to find out more about. So he had 'joined' the SIN group to get his answers. He didn't care for their motives, he just couldn't help finding his answer and the item.

So for the last couple weeks he had a demons smooth burnt colored skin with dark deep-set eyes. His toes and fingers ended with nasty looking sharp talons, and he had some talon-like protrusions going up his arms. His head had three distinct set of horns coming out of them: two large brown ram-like horns on each side of his head above his ears that curved downward; two twirling black horns coming out of his forehead above his eyes and going up about 2 feet; and one large gray rhino-like horn in the center of his forehead pointing skyward. There was also a scar running down across his left eye.

As usual he had a time-piece on him, a gold wrist watch on his right arm. It was in immaculate condition, and kept precise time. He couldn't stand to wear one that wasn't, and had even been known to fix others time-pieces when he saw them. He didn't wear any shoes, but just a pair of shorts and an armored chest-plate. Hey it was Halloween after all. Which went right along with the two pumpkins bouncing along by his feet, Jack and Jackie. Of course they weren't ordinary pumpkins, more like living jack-o-lanterns. They bounced along silently, but the telepathic chatter was constant. They were watching the shadows, looking for an ambush or anything out of the ordinary which was just what Cronos wanted since the person he was looking for wasn't the most respectable and honest.

Seeing the rune on the keystone above what appeared to be a doorway made of stone, he stopped and did the special knock he had been told... now to see if the information was correct. After a few moments the stone started shimmering and slide apart to reveal a room inside. Jack and Jackie bounced into the room quietly and stopped to sit still on either side of the entrance. To all appearances he looked like some regular Halloween decoration. Cronos stepped in, and just as it had opened the doorway closed up in a similar fashion.

"Guess I'm not going back anytime soon," he thought to himself and his companions, "let me know if you see anything of interest."

Stepping up to the counter he waited as he heard movement coming from the back room. A completely robed individual stepped out. All you could see was glowing red specks from inside the hood, the rest of his body was completely covered so as to not tell anything about his identity. Taking his cue as the being glared at him, Cronos says "I'm told you have item 69077786661313 for sale. If its authentic, then I'll gladly take it off your hands."

With that he pulled out a bag and sat it down on the counter with a clang of coins bouncing around against each other. Cronos just stood there smiling, while he awaited the response. After a few minutes of the cowled face staring him over, the being reached into a pocket and pulled out a box about 2 and 1/2 feet long. How it ever fit into his pocket was a mystery as there obviously wasn't enough room. Must have some dimensional spacing going on.

Opening the box, Cronos pulled out the object of his desire... a mace. The shaft and head was jet black and shiny like a polished obsidian, though it was much stronger and lighter than that. All along the head of the mace were what appeared to be golden spikes. Holding the item and concentrating, Cronos's eyes bounced up into his head for a second then came back to normal and focused on the details. Within 2 minutes he knew the age was correct for the manufacture of the item, as well as construction of it. Now the price was a bit steep for it, but not outside respectable variation.

Nodding he left the bag, and turned to leave. The seller watched as Cronos moved up to the wall and waited for the door to open. With a wave of his hand, the stones separated once again to revel the deserted alleyway. As Cronos stepped into it, his friends came to life and bounded off right behind him. Seemed like there wasn't cause for alarm this time.

So half an hour later, as Cronos was heading home he came across the bar. "You know a drink would be wonderful right now," he thought. Slipping the mace into a holder on his belt, Cronos entered the bar as Twi was heading back to his table. Jack and Jackie bounced up to rest on his shoulders, and Cronos went to place his order. Smiling at her he says, "I'd like two green teas, one very strong black tea, and three pieces of pumpkin bread please."

'No problem at all sir,' Tabby said with a smile 'that should be 10GG owing to the special on pumpkin bread as we're nearly closing,' Tabby knew he knew that, but it didn't pay to assume other customers in line knew that too. It never did any harm to get them squirming.
She rang up his order, and passed it to the new boy as he walked towards the kitchen 'Don't forget to take the unseet tea to the man at table 6 okay?'
The new boy flinched slightly as he noticed who was at that table, she really should try to remember his name, but she just couldn't be bothered. There were more important things at the moment than the new boy, and his name.
'Oh,' she cried out to his back 'Do go round the tables reminding folks we're closing in 30, and put the sleeping elf's udon in the warmer hey?' she turned back to Cronos with a smile that revealed her slightly too long canines 'Sorry about that, the boy is rather deaf.'

Chieftain Twilight

Twi chuckled as he read. when the boy came to his table with his tea he tipped him a bit and sipped the drink to check the tempurature. cooled just right, Twi was satisfied. he dipped his bread in it and ate it slowly that way, draining th beverage bit bybit as he read and waited.

Cronos the Timekeeper
Cronos smiled and since he was in a quite good mood, sat down 40GG with a wink to Tabby saying, "no problem, hey how about setting some extra milk out for the kitties tonight."

He went to a table and sat down. Jack and Jackie, bounced down to the other two seats and started jabbering about the night's events and what all they'd gotten glimpses of. When the boy brought the order, he passed a few more coins and bit into his piece of bread. As his friends started eating some of the bread, he says absently "It amazes me how you two always are eating pumpkin-based food. Kind of ironic isn't it?"

"Ehhh, just like hollows we gotta eat our own in order to grow stronger and advance on," Jack said before they both started snickering.

Tabby's eyebrows rose slightly, but she put the money in the til, and went to see if there was enough milk for the scores of cats that always seemed to appear around closing. She passed the boy again, on his way out to another table with plates of food.
'Do remind the customers they've another 10 minutes until closing, if any of them give you trouble tell Rudolf,' she paused a moment, remembering Twi, and the others 'Don't bother tables 6, 5, and 10 hey? They've some business after hours.'
If the boy was surprised he didn't show it, and merely went to the tables as ordered.

Tabby entered the coldstore at the back of the kitchen and sighed, the ginger tom followed her in, mewing as he smelt the food and wound himself around her legs. 'In good time puss,' she said absently 'I just hope I've enough plates,' she looked down at him 'I don't suppose you remember who's lactose intolerant hey?'
The tom merely mewed again, and left the kitchen, looking to Tabby as if to get her to follow. She shrugged, and went back to the cafe floor, to make sure everyone was leaving.

Chieftain Twilight
after the non-Tribemembers had all left and Tabby closed for the night, Twi closed the curtains and turned around, a serious but calm look on his face.

"i've been spotting some wierd things lately... as i was walking over here something rounded a corner with a human body. when i looked in the alley the thing fled before i could see what it was, but it was very big, and the body was partially eaten. first i saw anything like it, but recently there have been a few dissapearances, and i think it's connected. i want everyone to keep a look out, cause it's been happening lose to our bases and hangouts...."

he was worried, and it showed despite his stoic face. he knew he had to prepare those at his mansion as well.

Tabby, can you profile customers discreetly and report? i'll come in every night for a review."

Tabby nodded absently as she stroked the ginger tom on her lap. He'd been hanging around alot lately, and everytime she looked into his eyes she'd seen a sort of intelligence, then again, she saw intelligence in the eyes of most cats.

'What are we to do in the mean time, other than profile?' she sighed 'Are we to wait for one of us to go missing next?'


Arutha kneaded Tabby's knee happily, he was learning much for the Lord of Cats. He knew saber and the other's were getting unsettled by something in the streets, but any agents they'd sent to investigate had dissapeared. Saber was most worried about the nurseries he had scattered about the place, if his kittens were killed, his wrath would be dire.
He settled down on her lap, fixing his half-lidded gaze on Twi with contentment etched on his face.

uke gone bad
"I don't wana be a sushi, I teddy bear brown, no eat" Uke said in his sleep befor he leaned to far the the right and fell off the table hitting his head on a bench.

Chieftain Twilight
Twi grunted and shook his head slowly. "no, if you see anything happening, do what you can to stop it. rescuing innocents is what we do. i'm going to be preparing for an attack on whatever is doing this though. we just need more info, and we each have to play our part in that. be ready to fight."

with that he wrapped his scarf around his neck and put his hat on his head, then headed out into the brisk night to walk back home.

he looked at the stars along the way, and at the buildings he passed. some had glowing lights, while others were cloing for the night or already so. somehow it felt less comforting than it always used to. as if something was waiting, watching him. little did he know that a number of hooded robed figures were silently following him from rooftops and alleys, and through windows in bars.

Coming to the door in the brick wall behind the Arena, Twi opened it and walked inside to his magical mansion. he saw Shandi and Sharon sitting on the sofa, having apparrently just finished discussing something.

"hello ladies. what's up?" he asked.

uke gone bad
Ura started, 'there is going to be a fight, where, when, why?' "Owww' What happend"? Looking around he saw the cafe was empty. "Opps."


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Shandrel and Sharon both started slightly, Obviously not expecting to see him yet. Sharon stood, a strange smile on her face.
" I was about to head out actually, i will see you to later."She grabbed her jacket and made her way out past Twi, Leaving, and oddly nervous looking Shandrel.

Chieftain Twilight
Twi blinked twice, watched her walk past, and turned to Shandrel. he was confused about what had just transpired. "are you alright Shandi?" he asked, a worried tone in his voice.

Chieftain Twilight
Tabby settled into her bed in the backroom of the cafe, the ginger tom, sat at the end of the bed, looking at nothing in particular.
She'd left Uke sleeping in the front room, and knew he'd find his own way out and home, he usually did.

As she lay down to sleep she found she couldn't close her eyes, something was happening, and she wasn't sure she knew what to do when confronted with it at last...she hoped it wasn't too soon in coming.


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Broken just finally had his guild invitation passed through, and goes up to the guilds headquarters and base of operations. He goes to the bunks, tosses his stuff onto his bed, and goes to sleep. He's tired from working so much. But he's gotta get money somehow.

uke gone bad
'Well' Ura thought. 'If there is goint to be a fight, I am out of hear'. Leaving the cafe ura slowly begane walking home humming to his self the tune that won't LEAVE HIS HEAD... (darm tune). He lived on the tope floor of an old apartment building on the west side of town, one that was far away from where he was and had a brocken elivator. 'Great' he thought 'Just great'. Really tired he desided to take a short cut home and go through an ally. Normaly he hated allys because they were creepy, but it would save him 6 blocks or so. About half way down the ally Ura heard some one behind him. Turning around he saw, well it looked like a demon coverd in pices of flesh and splaters of blood. His first thought was 'Oh my god, I am gonna get eaten by a bloody monster' His second thought was to scream his head off, which was percicly what he did.

Cronos the Timekeeper
Cronos listened to Twi's comments, and started trying to think of what he might have saw lately. Only thing came to mind was the two werewolf pups that showed up at his door a few nights ago. He had just assumed someone had left them knowing he wouldn't let them starve and he'd help take care of them, atleast till they were big enough to do so themselves. Come to think of it, was they werewolves or wolfweres? He really didn't know.

He was brought back to the present by Jackie with her comment of, "great observations Einstein now we're about the last here. Wasn't you paying attention when everyone walked out?"

"Oops, well atleast you got to finish your meal. Let's go check on those pups and see what we can find," he said as he stood up to leave. Heading toward home he felt the mace vibrate on his side just before the scream pierced the air. Hurrying to the alley it came from, his companions told him "watch yourself, this don't feel right boss."

Stepping to the end Cronos says, "Everything alright?" as he looks around to see what's going on the mace in his hand.

Screaming wakes Broken up. He grabs his shotgun, and jumps out the window in his casual outfit. He runs at full speed towards where the screaming was coming from.

Ms Madness

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Keenan woke up from a troubled sleep. Her dreams were being terrible tonight... where was her Micheal? Finally opening her eyes, she looked around the room. The growling of her stomach distracted her, and she moaned in protestation of getting up.
A few angry-sounding minutes later, Kiki stumbled out of her room and down the stairs to the kitchen. She hated the swinging doors... they always tried to make her fall on her face when she was in.
With her eyes half open, and yawning enough to drive a normal person mad, she yanked the fridge open; scanning for anything to calm the beast that was her stomache.
Her eyes happened upon a ham and swiss sandwitch. Perfect! She snatched it from it's shelf, and began stuffing her face when she heard a scream.
"It's way too early for this..." Keenan mumbled as she stumbled her way out of the kitchen and out the front door, eyes half closed, sandwitch in hand.

Tabby sat up with a start, the ginger tom flew across the room towards the door and stood there hissing, his hackles raised.
'That was not a goos scream,' quickly she sprang from the bed, and ran out of the cafe's back door, swiftly changing into a leopard as she did. The ginger tom was swift on her heels as they headed towards the source of the screaming.

uke gone bad
Uke pulled out a light stick and put in in front of his face, hoping that the monster was scared of light, it was not...then he heard the noise from behind him..'it spock..i am gonna die at 95..nooooo' he thought then fainted.

Shandi had a distinct blush on her face, and was well on her way to creating macrame with the handkerchief in her hands.
" Um.. yeah..." the phrase seemed awkward coming from her, in fact the almost always graceful girl was sitting ram rod straight, and she looked slightly frustrated about it as well.
" Hey, erm, Twi, I um... with the kuro gang, and all that, i never.. really....um.. do you .. maybe.. if you have time.. or want to.... uhm... " she broke off, pinching the bridge of her nose." well this is lovely, i'm all tongue tied....." she couldn't raise her head to really look at him either." Twi... do you maybe, sometime, want to ... go out with me?"
Not many people knew she was actually single, most assuming Insain X was her mate a fact that often slipped by her and surprised her when it was brought up. However the truth was, she hadn't had a date in over a year, much less anything else. She was almost painfully shy about these things, but it was obvious what she and Sharon had been talking about.

Chieftain Twilight
Twi's worried expression shifted into a grin, and he slowly began to chuckle. "Yes!" he blurted, still laughing a little. "oh, Shan i'd love to! when were you thinking?" he had completely forgotten what he was going to tell her earlier. it would be alright though, as he'd remember eventually. he sat on the couch with her and gave her a big hug.

She blinked, if possible her blush deepening as she accepted his embrace leaning her head on his shoulder for a moment...
" Oh.. erm.. i have no idea, i didn't expect you .. to er.. accept Twi..."

Broken arrives, noticing a person that had passed out with a glow stick. Wow. Thinking light would scare a monster away... Very... desperate... But THIS will make it scared! He points his shotgun up, and fires, hoping to make the... thing... go away. In his free hand, he picks up the person, and starts back-tracking towards the headquarters. The monster was shocked at the shot, but is still following them. Damn... I would rather not have to kill it... but I may have to if I can't get back fast enough...

uke gone bad
"Oww that hurt" Ukr said in elvish...."Wait..Who are you?" He said...still in elvish. "ARE YOU THE MONSTER? SAVE ME" HE SCREAMED IN ENGLISH..TRYING TO GET AWAY.

Chieftain Twilight
"heh." Twi pet her. "well, how about tommorrow night then? a nice stroll in the Gardens, followed by a dance at a club. oh! that reminds me, there's also some looking out we'll have to be doing, something has been killing and eating townspeople. we can relax for our date though."

he grabbed a bottle of red wine out from behind the couch and popped it open, offering some to her.

Broken reconizes the elvish, but he hasn't heard it in a long time. It takes a second for him to realize what the person said. "I'm Broken, and I will be your savior today. And be quiet so I can concentrate on getting us out of here. Can you run? If you can, run away. I will hold this... thing off." He says. He fires at the monster this time, hurting it. The hole is fairly large. Putting the person down, he pumps his shotgun, prepping for another shot.
((The song he was listening to has ended. It has switched to Godsmack- I ******** Hate You. ))

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