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Tales in the life of a Glompie. (Kamarihi)
Just random tales, venting, etc. Expect funny, don't come with expectations to high XD
The Beast
My eyes were set as the dawn rose to greet me, but upon what was soon unstable and terrifying. At first the upper bunk of the bed in which I reside, but soon this pleasant view was distraught.
I beheld a beast clad in soft but vibrant red and with a voice like echoing thunder. It went by the name of... Mother.

The lumbering colossus fell into the room with a shattering howl, crushing the morale of all inside. Its eyes fed on the souls of the domain as it fled into the hunt and brought bright light to our darkened shelter. The ear piercing scream echoed again, mindless roaring of some unfathomable pain and then silence as it retreated; its work done.

It was later that I discovered my fate was then sealed. A punishment unworthy. I was to be repressed from society for days and locked away. So I did what any would do. I sucked up. It worked. I am bestowed time, not unlimited, but time all the same.

Community Member
  • 02/14/10 to 02/07/10 (1)
  • 01/31/10 to 01/24/10 (4)
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