This is the story of a girl who JUST WANTED ICECREAM >:0
Once upon a time there was a girl. She had to get up REALLY early on saturday to go to a soccer game. She got to the game and they got slautered 1-7. The girl then raced up to her basketball game where a boy pushed her over and she fell and ripped her arm up. Then the team was slauterd [again] 7-15.then her day got better! her and her friend convinced her friends dad to get her friend to comeover!! so she came over. Later in the day the girl went for a walk in a forest... The girls were racing down the small hills when the friend tripped on her face so the girl ran down to help her [stupid idea] and tripped and -snap- oh crap...
P.s. this is a true story because i was the girl and karina_9794 was the friend and right this second i am sitting on the couch doing this because my ankle is friggen hurting! well i have to get an X-ray soon bye!
![]() niarbyl Community Member ![]() |