Sasori Nagashi: Clan leader and Arbiter of Pisces, Sasori is a fist fight who always carrys a gun... He is good with machines and is excellent with most forms of weapons and Martial arts. He owns "Le Ranch Nagashi" and owns several vehicals that none but himself know about.
Orisxas Nagashi: Sasori from an ulturnate universe, he has lost his heart to the darkness and therefore cannot feel emotions... He sticks with Sasori as it gives him porpose, Master of shadows and leader of Organization XIII he is a formidable foe to say the least. He can fuse into shadows and hide in them, he spends most of his time in Sasori's shadow or looking after Org XIII stuff.
Th'air: A hired assassin that does work for Sasori on occasion, he operates out of "Warjilis" a port town that allows him much business with the traders in their wars over prices.
Kezir Formand: Sasori's friend, a kai warrior... That is a kind of holy warrior with the power of light... He is Sasori's sparring buddy and a fast learner, he escaped from his own dieing world by the order of Kai, his god, the lord of the sun.
Clans Aides:
Harley: A young moogle Sasori took a liking to, Harley has almost no battle skills but is talented with wood work and all sorts of chores.
Glowing Eagle: Kezir's young Kai-in-training, Glowing Eagle is the only person born of Ivalice with Kai powers and therefore is a sort of Oddity, however he is cocky, exsitable and impossible to control.
Concept characters:
Kayatana: A 19 year old water tribe girl Sasori brought to Ivalice with him, when they first met she was only 11 and was already to be married in an arranged marriage by the age of 13... She was married to a rich man's child, however the fellow was ravaged by wolfs and couldn't be saved, with nothing holding her back Kayatana could go to Ivalice after being offered several times. Her water bending is that of a master. Sasori stayed in her village to study Water bending movements in hope of better mastering fire bending.
Hitori A 25 year old air bender, he was bored with his life in the air temples so he left after being sent an invite from Sasori to join him in Ivalice... He dresses rather dark and carrys a Katana, Sasori had stayed in the Air temple to study their way of life and to learn more light movements he might use in Fire and Sand combos.