Bubblez if people wanted to talk us they would have simply just commented us or messaged us. stare
Bubblez knows that silly, it was just a convo opener unless Tiera has a better way of opening a journal thingy?


Oooooo, what is what is then?!!! confused
Not tellin' hows bout that? :domokun:
Awwweeeee, why not Tiera san? :'( emotion_heartbroken
Becuz I dun wanna that why. -humph!- :domoking:
:worried: :O_o: o.O'''' Um, okay then.....Never mind. sweatdrop
Yea, damn right never mind! stare >;P
ALL HAIL JASHIN SAMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
~Tiera Bubblez, out!~