Hello, my name is Kailin Vireslia
But you can call me:
Kailin. Or I can slit your throat. Whicherver you prefer. I'm indifferent.
I have been alive and breathing for:
Seventeen years, as far as you know.
I'm a:
But I swing for:
Both genders. Psh, but it's not like you'll get a chance to find that out. I dare you to try. I've only ever been interested in one male, and i've never even hinted at it. So the possibility of me being attracted to anyone, let alone acting upon it, is very slim. I only use my body when I need to get something I want.
I serve the house of:
I'm actually quite:
Quiet, non-tolerant, straight-forward, and aggressive to those who touch me. I won't hesitate to kill and I carry out orders to the letter. I'm cold-blooded and apathetic to those around me. I'm constantly alert, cunning, and i'll use whatever I have to in order to get what I want. The only ones I answer to are the members of the Fenning family.
Oh and before I forget:
I just want to let you know i'm pretty damn anti-social. I've been born to sneak and kill. Literally. It's all I was raised to do. While I don't hate all humans, I dislike most of them. As far as I know, i'm 17, but i've always felt much older than that. I remember my mother vaguely, but I remember nothing of my father, and I have no memories of the time before I came to the Fenning family as a servant. As much as I try, I can't seem to capture those memories as they're always dancing just out of my reach When I shift to my fox form, I always have several tails. I don't know why this is, it's just the way it's always been. As a fox, my eyes shift colors to portray my emotions. Due to these unique characteristics, i've never before shifted in front of anyone. I've never had a need to, anyways.
The one pulling my strings is
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