A storm was raging in her mind...her thoughts like gusts of wind which broke trees blew past her, like unwanted guests. Her uncontrollable thoughts were something she wished to be rid of, her memories she wished no longer exist. She layed there annoyed and irritated as she heard faint taps on her window. The sky was darkening only promising rain. She smiled thinking maybe this might clear her mind it usually did. Moving around in her room,the dark mansion seemed to move with the wind, creaking and shifting. She put on her black and red corset, along with her red skirt. Sitting on the bed for a moment she laced up her thick black boots. Leaving her cloak in the room, she headed downstairs. There was no point in getting that wet. Outside the rain had already started, she stood there on the dark porch looking out into the rain, lost in her thoughts once more... A noise snaps her back to reality and she was immediately alert. She steps down from the porch the water immediately drenching her. Her dark red hair clung wetly to her face and down her back. She walked to the back, where the forest surrounds the house. She leaned against the wall of the house, her head back and eyes closed. She stood there concentrating on the cool rain on her flesh, instead of her thoughts.
Blood_Lust _Angel · Fri Jan 08, 2010 @ 12:01am · 0 Comments |