Oh well, off of that depressing subject...and on to another!
I'm falling behind in school again, which is pissing me off considering I only have 4 classes as opposed to the usual 5 or 6 and sadly all I can place the blame for that on is myself and my own laziness. Hopefully I'll catch up this weekend since nothing is really going on. I'll just have to force myself to sit and actually do the s**t I'm supposed to do.
Here's a short list...for my own benefit if nothing else.
Two One web-page galleries gallery for work
Digital portfolio slide-show and start on sizzle reel of film stuff for Portfolio Lab
Screen play of 5 minute scene between two people in one location for film final
Stupid painting recreation photo for film class
Thumbnails/Concepts for Project in my Flash class
Regular homework for Flash class
All that frikin reading for film, flash, and animation class