Me: Hello! I've decided to interview some of my family! First up is my mum, Shikoi!! *clap clap clap*
Shikoi: ^^ Pleasure to be here! I've never been interviewed before! biggrin Oh! And happy new years, right? Is that what it is? Or is it Jen Kai De?
Me: In our world, mum. Only in our world.
Shikoi: ? 8D
Me: Ahem, anyway, we're here to dissect your deepest darkest secrets!
Shikoi: Secrets?
Me: Exactly!! Any deepest darkest things you keep from us?
Shikoi: Um, well... there's one thing I suppose.
Me: *adjusts mic* OK! Say it out to the world!
Shikoi: Well, when everyone's asleep, I usually wake up and go into everyones closet, yes?
Me: Uhuh, and what do you do then?
Shikoi: I organize everyone's clothes by either brand or color, because I think it's prettier that way, like a rainbow. 8D
Me: .... So that's why my clothes is like that!! sweatdrop But, that's not really a deep dark secret...
Shikoi: Oh, sorry... ^_^"
Me: Um, lets see what else is on my list of things to ask... oh! Your childhood!
Shikoi: 3nodding Oh! Sure!
Me: So, what were your parents like?
Shikoi: Well, my father was my favorite. He was kind, a hard worker, and always had time for me. smile
Me: Aw, how sweet!
Shikoi: Of course, mum didn't like that. She wanted him all to herself. She didn't like that he always paid attention to me. sweatdrop Pretty silly if you ask me.
Me: It seems so.
Shikoi: So anyway, I don't remember the exact age at the time, but maybe around five or six, mum was at the end of her tether.
Me: Tether, yes.
Shikoi: I actually found it quite funny how she chased me out of the house with a knife cursing at me. ^^
Me: O.o""" Oh...
Shikoi: But that's enough of them. After that I started school.
Me: Oh, thats when you were teased for yer bosoms, yes? ;p
Shikoi: Correct. biggrin Later, when I was 15, I met Gato.
Me: That *@&%*&(# should die...
Shikoi: And we fell madly in love with each other.
Me: evil
Shikoi: Soon after, we got married, thats when he started to change...But I really don't want to talk about it right now, sorry. ^^"
Me: It's fine. and I think thats it! Bye now! -Mum, wave to the camera-
Shikoi: 8D *waving the wrong way*
Me: --"
-Shiki signing off-
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A Day in the life of one sexy demon. ;)
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