Full Name: Isabella Marie Swan
Status: Human
Date of Birth: September 13, 1987
Originally from: Phoenix, Arizona
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Brown
Height: 5’4”
Physical description: "Bella is very fair-skinned, with long, straight, dark brown hair and chocolate brown eyes. Her face is heart-shaped—a wide forehead with a widow’s peak, large, wide-spaced eyes, prominent cheekbones, a thin nose and a narrow jaw with a pointed chin. Her lips are a little out of proportion, a bit too full for her jaw line. Her eyebrows are darker than her hair and more straight than they are arched. She’s slender but not at all muscular, and weighs about 115 pounds. She has stubby fingernails because she has a nervous habit of biting them."
Distinguishing quality: Extremely accident prone; "Bella has a very private MIND. No one can touch her there."
Occupation: Graduate of Forks High School. Part time job at Newton’s Outfitters.
Family members: Mother – Renee Dwyer, Stepfather – Phil Dwyer Father – Charlie Swan
Nick Names: Bella to friends – Bells or Bell to Charlie
Car: 1953 Chevy Pickup Truck – red Repaired Motorcycle
Personal history: Bella was born in Forks, but her mother and father split up when she was six months old. She spent the majority of her young life in California and then later Phoenix, Arizona where she wasn’t very popular and never felt as if she fit in. She is far too clumsy for her own good and tries to avoid sports and dancing.
When her mother remarried, Bella decided to move back to Forks to live with her father. She felt a bit guilty that her mother wasn’t able to spend as much time traveling with her new husband because of her, and so willingly, but not enthusiastically, she moved in with her dad. He bought her a truck and has tried to make her feel comfortable in her new home.
At school, Bella was greeted with great interest and made friends with a few people right away. She first saw Edward and his family at lunch time and was told that they generally kept to themselves. In biology class, Bella was forced to take a seat next to Edward, as it was the only empty seat in the room. He reacted strangely to her, making her think he hated her. It wasn’t until two weeks later that Edward returned to school and Bella was able to properly meet him.
After a while, Bella came to guess Edward’s secret and accepted him as a vampire. He saved her life several times and made it his mission to keep her safe. The two fell in love despite the odds against them. Bella became the victim of a tracker named James and was saved when Edward drank her blood and stoped the venom from spreading through her system.
On her 18th Birthday, Bella got a paper cut and was put in great danger at the Cullens home. Because of this, Edward decided to leave her. Bella existed in a near catatonic state for weeks afterwards and only just managed to go to school and work. She decided to take risks to “hear” Edward’s voice and enlisted the help of Jacob Black in rebuilding a motorcycle. The two became very good friends until Jacob appeared to have joined a cult. Bella learned that Jacob and the other teenage Quileute boys are werewolves.
When Alice returned to Forks, she told Bella that Edward thinks she is dead and has plans to kill himself. The two raced to Italy where they stopped Edward and were taken in by the Volturi. They returned to Forks with the promise that Bella will become a vampire. At home, Edward agreed to change Bella as long as she married him first.
After a few weeks of being grounded, Bella was put on “parole for good behavior” so long as she agreed to make time for Jacob and her other friends as well as Edward and the Cullens. She was accepted into the University of Alaska even though she didn’t really plan on attending. She also was made aware, by Edward, of an irresponsible vampire creating newborns around the Seattle area.
Edward took her to Florida to see her mother, and when she got back she tried to contact Jacob, which Edward did not approve of. She also found out that while she was gone there had been a bit of a battle between the Cullens and the Wolves over the hunt for Victoria. She managed to get in some time with Jacob while Edward was hunting. As “punishment” Bella was forced to stay at the Cullen’s home for the duration of Edward’s next hunting trip, where she talked to Rosalie and learned all about her transformation into a vampire and why she is against Bella joining the family. Jacob helped Bella escape from Alice at school and she told him she would be joining the Cullen family soon, which Jacob did not respond well to. When Edward returned he agreed to allow Bella time with Jacob so long as she told him when and where first.
When Edward picked up the scent of an unknown vampire having been in Bella’s bedroom, his concern lead to the prospect of battle with the newborns in Seattle. Graduation came and Bella pointed out to Edward and the Cullens that she believed Victoria was the one creating the newborns in Seattle. This new information surprisingly brought an alliance between the Cullens and the Quileutes to not only protect Bella, but also stop the newborns from attacking anyone else. Fearing that Edward could be injured, Bella asked him sit the battle out and stay with her. Bella and Edward reached another compromise that she would marry him in exchange for them making love while she is still human.
Bella helped Edward set up the newborns by planting her scent in the field where the battle will happen. Freezing in the cold, Bella slept in Jacob’s warm arms and listened to Edward and Jacob talk about her. In the morning, she made her good-byes to Jake and gave him a real kiss. She assured Edward that she loves him more and wants to be with him forever. The battle ensued bringing Victoria and her personal helper, Riley, to the camp. Bella watched as Edward and Seth Clearwater killed them and burned them. When Bella learned that Jacob was wounded in the battle, she suffered a bit of a breakdown. When Jane and the Volturi arrived to clean up the mess, Bella stuck to Edward’s side as he begged for the lives of a few of the newborns, but was unsuccessful.
Bella went to see Jacob and told him that even though she loved him, she can’t live without Edward and has chosen him. On her way home, she stopped her car and started crying, and stayed there until she was rescued by Edward. In the morning Bella told Edward again that she has made her choice and that the time has come to enlist Alice’s help with their wedding. We learned from a letter that Edward sent Jacob that the wedding date has been set and that the invitations have been sent out.
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