Pick 10 characters. They can be from anything, any fandom, your own Original Characters, your friends, your family, anyone or any character on Earth and BEYOOOND!!!!!!! Just pretend they are in one big fan fic together!
1. Sapphire Harper (My OC)
2. Yami Yugi
3. Zelda
4. Yusei Fudo
5. Josh Groban
6. Sarah Brightman
7. Link
8. Saphira
9. Harry Potter
10. Dark Magician Girl
Only read the questions after you pick your characters.
1) Number Three(Zelda)has become a Goth. How do Ten(DMG)and Six(Sarah Brightman)bring this about?
Dark Magician Girl casted spells on Zelda, and Sarah Brightman made her listen to Opera music. Zelda does get tortured a lot, and apparently DMG and Brightman pushed her to the limit.
2) Number One(Sapphire)has fallen in love with the new Mary-Sue exchange student! What does he/she like about the Mary-Sue and what does he or she have to do to woo Mary-Sue?
Well, in this case, the new student is a guy. Sapphire likes him because he's musically talented and looks like God spent a little more time on him. Sapphire must sing beautifully(which she does)to win his heart. If that doesn't work, she could use sorcery to put him under a spell, but I know she wouldn't do that because she's way too nice.
3) Eight(Saphira)has just walked in on Two(Yami)and Five(Josh Groban)having sex. What is their explanation to Eight(Saphira)and how does Eight(Saphira)react?
(Is this humanly possible?!) Well, Yami and Groban would be too embarassed and too scared to try to explain this kind of situation to a Dragon, and Saphira would be too disgusted to say a thing. She'll just light their asses on fire!
4) What TV show do Nine(Harry Potter)and Five(Josh Groban)watch together and what is their reaction to the show?
Well, Harry hardly watches TV, and Groban is too busy. But in this case, they would watch Whose Line is it Anyway? and they would not be able to stop laughing...
5) You want write a song fic about Seven’s(Link)past. What song is it and what is the fic’s plot?
To discuss Link's past, it's told in so many different ways, so it's kinda impossible to find the perfect song for him.
6) Four(Yusei)and Eight(Saphira)team up to learn Ten’s(DMG)darkest secret. How do they do it and what is the secret that they learn?
This would be Yusei's first time riding a Dragon. After playing card games on Dragons (that would probably be the new thing in the next YGO generation >_<, they find out the Dark Magician Girl is really a prostitute...?
7) One(Sapphire)and Seven(Link)must spend a weekend vacation together. Where do they go? What do they do?
Hopefully, Sapphire and Link don't end up in a relationship together. But they would go to Lake Hylia and spend the weekend there swimming, fishing, and visiting the Zora people.
cool Six(Brightman)has gotten drunk. What does he or she do to Two(Yami)?
Brightman would think she's hallucinating because she knows that Yami doesn't really exist. She would just look at him, then walk away and lie down.
9) When Eight(Saphira)goes to Hogwarts what house is he/she sorted in and why?
Saphira's a freakin' Dragon! She would either be sent to Romania to deal with Charlie Weasley, or be the gaurd of the golden egg in the Triwizard Tournament. But is she WERE sorted, she would be in Ravenclaw because she's blue and vicious...and smart.
10) Two(Yami)must save Nine(Harry Potter)during the Zombie Apocalypse. Why? And how does he/she do it?
Yami has to save Harry because it is his destiny. He attempts to save him by mind-crushing the zombies. Unfortunately, that doesn't work, because zombies are already mindless. So he and Harry run as fast as they can until they become exhausted. They give up and join the zombies. T^T
11) What is the “canon” evidence that Three(Zelda)and Four(Yusei Fudo)are in a relationship?
Zelda falls in love with anyone who saves her life (except those who are related to her), and Yusei is astounded by her beauty and bravery and feelings about evil.
12) Six(Brightman), Five(Groban), and One(Sapphire)form a band. What music do they play and who plays which instrument?
Sapphire, Groban, and Brightman are all singers, but thankfully, they can play more than one instrument. Sapphire would be lead vocal, Brightman would play the piano, and Groban would be 2nd lead vocal, percussion, and piano. They would play Classical/Easy Listening Music.
13) Two(Yami)and Three(Zelda)star in a fic called “The Tears We Cry” what is the fic’s summary?
Yami's life sucks because he can't control his temper. Zelda's life sucks because she's locked up in a tower and no one's brave enough to rescue her (kinda like Rapunzel).
14) How does Seven(Link)kill Nine(Harry Potter)and why?
Link kills Harry in his sleep with his Master Sword because he's jealous of Harry's fandom and wants his screen time.
15) What is Five’s(Josh Groban)animal familiar?
Groban would be a platypus...because he said so!
16) Four(Yusei)and One(Sapphire)get into a cat fight, why? And who wins?
Yusei finds out the Sapphire is cheating on him with Yami, and they have this huge fight with words, cards, and sorcery, thinking that they would have a happily ever after. The fight ends in a draw, and Yusei and Sapphire end up divorced.
17) How do Seven(Link)and Ten(DMG)hook up for a one night stand?
Both Link and Dark Magician Girl found each other sexually attractive after intoxicated with Poppyseed muffins...?
1 cool In a high-school angst fic, what drug does Four(Yusei)get addicted to? And how does Six(Brightman)get Nine(Harry Potter)pregnant? (It cannot be switched.)
Yusei's addicted to dueling on his motorbike! That's his drug. And I don't know how it happened, but apparently, Sarah Brightman got Harry pregnant. Keep in mind that Brightman is about 30+ years older than Harry. (EW!! >_<
19) Eight(Saphira)and Three(Zelda)are in a decidedly awkward situation. What is the situation? How did they get into it and how do they get out of it?
Zelda and Saphira are trying to figure out how to get our of Oz after a huge storm brought them both from Alagasia and Hyrule. They are still there trying to find a way home.
20) Ten(DMG)has become a vampire. What is his or her reaction? What does he or she do?
Dark Magician Girl think that this has been the best change of her life and decides to show off her new beauty to the other Duel Monsters.
I tag: Anyone who wants to do this!
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