- ●The●(Role)●
Hyde ● Chika ● Faith ●
- ♥The♥Body♥
❥Nickname Heidi, Chika,
❥Age 17
❥Height Five feet five inches, see what happens kids when you give your veggies to the family pet! You don’t grow!
❥Weight Gasp! How rude to ask such a thing!
❥Eye color Hazel but has green contacts
❥Hair color brown with highlights…
❥What Am I Like? You Really Want To Know?
Wanna see what I can to with his drum stick?~ That would probably be something he would say to someone when he felt like flirting. And he’d mean it in the most perverted way ever probably… Hyde is a rather “out there” member of the band but is only very outgoing and…well…himself when at band. During school hours he’s that kid in the back of class, barely talking unless in music, and often writing music. He won’t speak much if he thinks you will bully him but he does talk to people. He has a lot of more so…unpopular friends he’s more himself with but if he does go out of his bubble during school hours he’s hesitant and careful with words…unless he’s in a bad mood….
He goes through the normal bullying and is often pushed and locked in his locker, head dunked in the toilet, pushed around, etc. Classic bullying…. He has learned to bring extra clothing jus in case it is time to be dunked in the toilet too….He’s talked to counselors, teachers, but not his parents… Nothing has changed though.
He can easily get jealous too, when dating someone hating when someone flirted with him and more so himself outside of just the band too. Also over the years he has this thing when certain people talk to him he acts like he can’t understand. He has a soft accent and in his house his parents speak French. He obviously does understand seeing he talks to people but some people don’t know that and just brush him off.
❥What Do I like?
My crush~, music, cross-dressing, popsicles, teasing, flirting, being myself, Spencers- the store ;o, contacts, performing, animals, foreign cultures, exploring, the woods, hot guys, piercings, tattoo’s, henna- he likes being able to change his tattoo’s, arts, photography, learning new things, cuddling, kissing, being different, gay pride anything, his rainbow stars tattoo near his pelvic bone- its his gay pride tattoo.
❥What Do I Hate?
bullies, small dark places, meeting the wrong end of a toilet, being bullies, his tongue piercing- he just doesn’t think its very tasteful…., being teased- in a way that means harm, not being given a chance, messing up during a routine for dance or band, band performances being canclled, being used, being hurt physically or emotionally, breaking his drum stick, his mom being….rude, stockings..not to comfortable, to much body hair!
❥The Road So Far...
Hyde was born in Hawaii, his dad was French but lived in Hawaii and his mother Chinese. He lived there for much of his life. There he got into dance and music. He loved to perform for others either dance or music. At the time he played Congo’s and started to learn piano. He had some of his girlfriends to teach him hula and other than that dance by what he saw. In middle school was when he started figuring himself out.
First it him and a close guy friend experimenting. They didn’t really anything but kiss or make out, and of course some cuddling but that was it. His father walked in on them one day, he seemed surprised and flustered walking out the room quickly. He thanked god for having an understanding father. He was very surprised and told him that after his friend left and a few hours of awkwardness but he reassured him that he was okay with it and had no worries. Of course there was a repeat of ”the talk” just to make sure he didn’t think there were exceptions.
His mother….wasn’t so accepting. Even to this day she makes rude cracks, fight with his dad about it, and try to change him by setting up dates that will never happen. At the beginning of high school he moved from Hawaii to here, still into music of course. He knows how to play differ drums, piano, harmonica and flute so far….He wants to learn more of course but this is it for now. It was a major transition though…He was no longer poplar because of his talents and being in the band. Now he was the band geek! He was being bullied! And not just cause his sexuality….cause he was a band geek! WHAT?! No one cared he was brilliant at dancing as well and barely even gets to show that talent cause people assume he sucks….
Over the time be tried to ignore those who bullied him, failing at doing so, but has become more reserved when not in his comfort zone. He has a younger sister who’s five years old and very clingy an a pet Husky.
Hyde is rather different outside of school, much more outgoing for the love of god don’t get him drunk! Well unless you have certain intentions but then he will hate you after. He can’t control his alcohol very well at all really…. This band geek also has a secret though. He isn’t exactly ashamed but it wouldn’t be as much fun if people knew. He cross dresses…and pretty well to. This is something NO ONE knows about him and he’d rather keep it that way….
❥Posting color