Captain- The Captain is very formal, and very logical, he uses very intelligent words. And is altogether intelligent. He has been raised high up in society, until the fall of the civilisation, until the happening. He then used his intelligence and his boat, which had been left to him, to gather a crew. He is a bit of a mystery, and he holds his crews respect. He often seems to be above everyone else status wise, but he just collects information, and he keeps quiet most of the time, whilst leading everyone in the right direction.

Navigator- Her village was attacked as she was a young child, she only survived because she was thrown into a ditch and not seen, when she woke the village was destroyed and everyone gone. Before she joined the Captain, she was adopted by a travelling circus whom taught her the trade of entertainment, little did they know, they taught her other tricks of use which could be used out of the ring. Most things don't anger her, she is usually fun, but when she gets serious she gets serious.

Weaponry- During the war, the happening, his father who was th firemaster who taught him everything he knew, was in the war, was murdered because of his aiding the 'wrong side'. He swore then to revenge her family, and hunt down their killers, and has joined the crew in hopes of finding them and kill them. He holds alot of anger inside, and sometimes this leads him to bad mistakes. He is very unstable, and can boil over at any point.

Mechanic- Of a different species, he sports the effect of radiation, which was used by attackers, he started tinkering at a young age, though his oily exterior may promote eitherwise, he's truthfully very sweet and caring, and though not brought up to be is heartfelt and wise in his own way. His rather harsh uncle brought him up, which surprisingly didn't effect him, the only person who seemed to understand him was his sick aunt, who was slowing dieing from the radiation, as she was human, and his uncle was not, which makes the mechanic a new unkown breed, and he wants to find another of his kind.

Stowaway turned steam master- Cheeky, flirtatous, he is a bit of a lovable rouge. He's had a easy life, but he's also moved around alot, orphaned at a young age of 7, he become a bit of a pick-pocketer, and he eventually wound up as a stowaway, but because he adapts to new places and situations, and his life in the street taught him to be quick witted, and he learns quickly, so became the steam master of the ship, even though he tends to be a nuisance, his quick thinking has got the crew out of many a tight fit.

Techie/Engineer- Nervous, kind of worried, he feels inatiquat to the rest of the crew. Which makes him cute, in some form. He is a bit of a nerd, emo his back story isn't one of interest, but all his life he had a good normal upbringing, smothered with attention and love, so much he felt a need to escape, and so he did he was on an outing one day, and saw an advertisement for crew, which brought him up to this crew.